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zottel 2008-07-07 10:58 AM

Slow typing in some text boxes
In 5.8 SP 1 102133 (and maybe the one I used before, I'm not sure) entering text into some text areas is painfully slow—maybe if the text box is linked to some kind of JavaScript counting the characters or similar. For an example, browse to [url][/url] and try entering text into the text area at the bottom.

Strange thing is: I just tried that again myself, and the responsiveness was normal. I did the same about ten minutes ago when I sent in a formal feedback on this issue, and it was extremely slow (like taking more than second until the several typed characters appear altogether, then a second again and so on). This is a G5 on current Tiger, here.

Anybody else experiencing similar stuff?

It [i]might[/i] have sth to do with OS X having to swap back stuff into the memory: On this machine a backup script runs every night that takes up loads of memory, resulting in all apps that have been open over night responding painfully slow at first until the needed memory pages are all swapped back into the RAM. The strange thing is, though, that when OW runs smoothly again, some text areas are still painfully slow, others not: I tested the the Wikipedia search field before sending in the feedback, it was normal; the text area of the abovementioned page was slow. Before I tested this for the feedback, I had entered a whole load of text into another slow text box, so all needed components should have been swapped back to the RAM already, shouldn't they?

Anyway, this behaviour wasn't present prior to the 5.8 SPs. Does anyone else see it?

Best regards,


Brian 2008-07-07 12:33 PM

Hmmmm... I'm able to enter text into that field at full speed, but the box I'm using is pretty beefy... Is anyone else seeing similar behavior? If so, if you open up the "other" tab of site preferences on that page, what appears in the "Identify to web servers and scripts as" pop-up? I'm guessing "OmniWeb", but just in case...

Barring something there being at fault, I think the thing that would be most helpful here would be to get a sample report of what's going on in OmniWeb when you notice the sluggish behavior.

To do this, you'll want to do the following:

1) Go to your Applications folder --> Utilities folder--> and launch "Activity Monitor".
2) A window will open that shows all the applications running on your machine. In the list, select our application.
3) Click on the "Inspect" button on the toolbar
4) Another window will pop-up. Click the "Sample" button on the lower left corner, switch to OW, and type into the text box.
5) When Activity Monitor is done taking the sample, click the "Save..." button on the top right and email the document it creates to [EMAIL=""][/EMAIL]. We'll have a look at it and see if we can figure out what's going on here.

zottel 2008-07-21 11:10 AM

Actually, after a reboot I haven't seen this behaviour anymore. Must have been some strange thing that's hard to nail down. ;-)

Gregory 2008-07-26 07:15 AM

I'm seeing the same thing. I've just rebooted but even though, clicking from one tab to another in my workspace of 15 tabs can take anything from 1 to 2 seconds, sometimes longer. before the reboot, text input into the address field would sometimes hiccup or delay too. I was getting to the point of giving up on OW altogether; wayyyy too many pauses and delays.

I'm going to use Safari for a few days with the same tabs and see if the same delays, etc pop up.

btw, I still see the bug where the cursor in any editable field including the address field will spontaneously skip to the right end of the field. it's not happening at this very moment which makes me wonder if the delays and cursor movement are related; script malfunction/infinite loop?

the delays are happening again now... click on the thumb to scroll the window and the thumb takes 1s or more to respond. click into this very form field and it takes 1s or more before the cursor appears! what's going on???


Product: OmniWeb-5.8
Date: 2008-07-21 19:00:00 -0700
Builder: omnibuild
Revision: 103094

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