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joel.s 2011-09-16 10:41 PM

Reset default gutter colour?
I would like to be able to set the default gutter colour to something other than the pale blue. Is it possible to do this for new and existing documents?



DerekM 2011-09-19 11:31 AM

If you want gutter color on by default on new documents then you can set that by modifying the default template (or making a new template if this isn't what you always want). To modify the default template, open the General tab of the preferences and click the "Edit New Document Template" button. Turn on gutter color for the template and set it to the color you want. Then save the template and close it. Now any new files you make will be created with that gutter color turned on. There's no way to apply this to your existing file though.

Let me know if you have any questions about this. Thanks!

joel.s 2011-09-19 01:52 PM

Thanks Derek, but that is not as flexible as I hoped.

I can go back and re-save my templates with these different settings which will help a bit but I was hoping to be able to set a specific colour for any outline according to the immediate purpose, then change the default for that file and continue with another colour for a time etc.

My intended use ties in with other discussions here about creating live linkage between the state of a column checkbox and some visual attribute like the gutter colour or similar for a topic.

The need comes from the difficulty in seeing quickly which items in the outline are completed from the checkbox state alone as it is small and black.

ClarisImpact outlines used a magenta checkbox tick mark which was clearly visible but the gutter is a nice, big block of colour which is instantly apprehended even when scrolling quickly through a document.

Perhaps some mechanism might be incorporated into the next release of OO that would satisfy this requirement.

DerekM 2011-09-19 02:22 PM

It sounds like you should be setting the gutter color by using named styles then. Create a named style that just sets the gutter color, then apply that whenever you want it turned on. You can create a new named style when you want a different color or just modify the existing style and it'll change all applied instances of it.

joel.s 2011-09-20 04:30 AM

Thanks, I'll have a look at that and see if it does the trick.

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