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Datinga 2011-09-12 01:40 PM

Arrangement of Projects
I have just started using OmniFocus for IPAD. I create my Projects at random within a Folder or category, with the mind that I could reorder them in a preferred sequence. I am able to reorder Actions but the same does not seem to be possible for Projects.

Is there something I have failed to do, or that is just how it is?

whpalmer4 2011-09-12 02:32 PM

Drill down in the projects list until you have the projects you want to rearrange visible on the left. Then tap the Edit button and drag the projects into the order you want, using the handles at the right end of the rows. Tap Done.

If you want to move an item between levels in the hierarchy, use the Move button in the editor popover.

You arrange contexts in the same way you do projects.

Datinga 2011-09-13 02:12 AM

Arrangement of Projects - Problem solved
I just want to post this because I feel some other Newbies like me, might have it useful.

My problem was that I was trying to rearrange my projects in portrait view and so, the moment I hit the edit button it just goes blank. I just felt like trying out the landscape mode and there I was able to re-arrange all projects - into the
sequence I wanted them in. Working great.

Revearti 2011-09-20 06:43 PM

Lanscape Tip

Thanks for pointing out the landscape tip because I was arranging projects one day then the next day I couldn't, and I was wondering if I came across a bug. It was driving me crazy!

Brian 2011-09-21 02:03 PM

[QUOTE=Datinga;101732]My problem was that I was trying to rearrange my projects in portrait view and so, the moment I hit the edit button it just goes blank.[/QUOTE]

In case it helps: in most views, actions should get three horizontal bars on the right hand side (replacing the checkbox) which you can drag to rearrange the actions inside their projects.

I just noticed that button is active in Review mode, though, which doesn't seem particularly helpful. Filed that as a "this is confusing and possibly a bug" item, so if that's what happened, I'm really sorry. :-)

whpalmer4 2011-09-21 03:40 PM


I just noticed that button is active in Review mode, though, which doesn't seem particularly helpful. [/QUOTE]
Gack! Doesn't reviewing a project seem like a time when one might want to shuffle things around in that project?

Tedallen 2011-09-21 07:22 PM

[QUOTE=whpalmer4;102086]Gack! Doesn't reviewing a project seem like a time when one might want to shuffle things around in that project?[/QUOTE]

Not only seems, but is. I rearrange some tasks in nearly every review.

I often think of a next action while reviewing and add it. But in almost every case the action I add is not the last to be done and so must be moved

So Brian it's not a mistake

Brian 2011-09-23 03:06 PM

The project I happened to open up in review mode didn't have any actions in it, but our fine QA staff was quick to point out that I'd unintentionally filed a bug based on an edge case.

The button makes much more sense in the common case. Bug returned. :-)

Mardi 2011-10-07 09:22 PM

Thanks for asking this question, Datinga. I use the iPad version at work where I have to use a PC, and I do most of my adding and changing there but kept waiting to come home and rearrange projects on my iMac. Now I know I can do it on the spot it will save lots of trouble!

Now if anyone could resolve the problem I was having yesterday... But sadly it had me so confused I can't even describe what was happening! I was trying to put a single action into a folder so I could put a Waiting... In front of it. But never mind, iMac to the rescue again and it's all fixed now :)

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