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rrkpl 2012-06-07 05:42 AM

Will Omniplan output to pdf or print [now available in v1.1]
Was about to buy Omniplan for iPad and wanted to know if it would output PDF files or print.



HappyCatMachine 2012-06-07 06:35 AM

Apparently not, that's 35 quid I'll be asking for a refund for. It only exports as OmniPlan. Like other Omni apps it also uses a cumbersome document browser as well. It looks beautiful, and isolated from anything but Omni's own apps.

CVN 2012-06-07 06:43 AM

That is a showstopper for me as well.

I wanted to try the iPad version out to se if i would use it enough to buy the Mac version. Without export features it is a no go for me.

HappyCatMachine 2012-06-07 07:23 AM

It does export to Mac OmniPlan so that might change your mind. Now that I've spent about an hour in it I have to say that it's pretty intuitive even though project management isn't a primary activity of mine.

It is painful to see Omni tout its collaborative nature when the only thing it can collaborate with is itself and its Mac's bigger brother. No DropBox support is also tragic but I've pretty much given up hope for any Omni app to talk to DropBox. There would be little point as well since nobody I work with deals in Mac.

Still, a well designed yet cross platform ignorant app. Let's hope for a version 2.

rrkpl 2012-06-07 07:31 AM

My goal was to sit down with a client an plan a project on my iPad and not have to hope the client had a Mac and OmniPlan or that I had to wait till I returned to my office (sometimes on the other coast) till I could give the client a copy of 'the plan'. That being said HappyCaTMachine, is it at least possible to take screen grabs of the reports or Gantt chart or is it a scroll thing that wouldn't fit on one page?

HappyCatMachine 2012-06-07 07:49 AM

You can scale the chart beautifully and of course take screen grabs. If that suffices for you then it would definitely be worth checking out. I've been using SG Project Pro and I can already say that OmniPlan is way more fun.

badmanj 2012-06-07 07:50 AM

Ah ok. Crying shame, rendering this entirely pointless since I don't have Omniplan on the Mac :-(

Glad I found this out before I made the mistake of purchasing.


badmanj 2012-06-07 07:51 AM

[QUOTE=HappyCatMachine;111210]You can scale the chart beautifully and of course take screen grabs. If that suffices for you then it would definitely be worth checking out. I've been using SG Project Pro and I can already say that OmniPlan is way more fun.[/QUOTE]

But SG Project Pro produces decent reports and output as is therefore the standalone leader for project management on the iPad in my opinion...

Damn this is so disappointing.

DCaptura 2012-06-07 02:13 PM

Too Many Major Gaps
Like most, I sure love beautifully sexy UI elements. However, as a professional project manager, I cannot get much use out of OmniPlan for iPad. It has way too many gaps:

1. No WBS/Network features (essential steps BEFORE developing a Gantt).
2. As mentioned above in other posts, no export capability to standard formats like PDF. Silly, it's built right into iOS.
3. No export functions to popular services, like Dropbox, iCloud, etc. Also unforgivable for a tool that's supposed to be used by mobile workers, and the data shared with stakeholders.
4. No importing/Exporting of MS Project files. This is a sick joke, right? Surely a new build with this feature will be in the App Store tomorrow, right?

I could go on, and on. But why bother.

Let's hope Omnigroup (or someone else) puts out a real PM tool on iPad for a fair price before we all retire.


Deon Robinson, PMP
Author of: 'So You Got A New iPad. Now What?'

damorrison 2012-06-08 12:21 AM

No Export?!
As others have mentioned in another post, I wanted to question why there is no export functionality, and when this will be added? If the answer is no, then I'd appreciate a refund as without this, the app is utterly useless to me.

I bought this as a simple tool to help visualise to my customers what the project plan would look like in a proposal, together with resources and cost estimates. It seemed perfect, and certainly the app covers most of what I need to do, but short of capturing the gantt screen (Home Button + Power Button) - I can't use export any of the other information.

Now, I'll hold off on being disappointed or annoyed that this was a conscious (poor) design decision to get new users to upgrade to the full product until I've had a response, but I'd encourage this feature to be added or the negative feedback will undoubtedly outweigh the positive for what appears to be a good app.

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