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cbmackay 2012-06-11 06:13 AM

Refuses to publish
I can't believe how buried the Sync functions are in this app.

Ok, now that *that* particular frustration has been vented, OP for iPad refuses to allow me to sync, because "This plan can not be published while". And then it ends. This is the red text I see when I hit "Publish". If I hit "Update", it says something similar about, but it goes on to explain that there are conflicts (it won't bring it up now so I can't quote it verbatim).

It says this even if I turn off Change Tracking. Because I don't care.

The View tab, under Change Tracking, says "1 change, -1 changes". Setting aside what "-1 changes" might mean, when I tap it, it lists no changes (I accepted them all a minute ago).

This is extremely frustrating. It's all so transparent in OmniFocus.

cbmackay 2012-06-11 06:19 AM

Ok. I tried to delete the OP file from the OmniSync Server via OP/Mac. It then magically showed up on my iPad (I had renamed the iPad version, so now there are 2 on it, which is fine). But when I tried to delete the should-be-gone version that just magically got synched to my iPad, it brought up a "Document Deleted in Another Location" dialog with "Delete" and "Keep" buttons, neither of which worked.

cbmackay 2012-06-11 06:20 AM

and it's a modal dialog. Awesome.

This is not feeling ready for prime-time.

psidnell 2012-06-12 01:34 AM

I've managed to get myself into a situation where my plan won't publish (I have updated) because of conflicts, but it doesn't display any conflicts so I can't resolve them :-(

whpalmer4 2012-06-12 09:42 AM

I'd try force-quitting the app and restarting it. I've seen some weirdness with OP for Mac where it decides something nutty, but it doesn't persist over a restart of the app. If there's a real conflict, it should calculate it again and show you. If not, you should be clear to publish.

psidnell 2012-06-12 10:02 AM

I tried all the obvious stuff - restarting, deleting and re-downloading the plan, none of which helped. I think it had corrupted the remote DB at that point (though not irreversibly).

At one point I managed to get it into a state where it thought I had a negative number of changes/conflicts - but didn't list any, so I couldn't resolve them!

The only thing that cleared it was doing an update and sync from the desktop which presumably "fixed" the repository and then re-downloaded the plan to the iPad.

It's been fine since then.

But I'm keeping backups :-)

whpalmer4 2012-06-12 11:12 AM

Hmm, my expectation is that had you truly mangled the remote copy, the desktop would not be able to publish, either.

If it does happen again, grabbing a copy of the repository copy and of the iPad copy would be a good step. You can grab the iPad copy via iTunes even if the app can't publish it.

I only recall losing data once during the beta, thanks to a bug where the document picker would open the document in the background, get confused, and save, causing my unsaved changes to be lost. That bug appears to be fixed.

hazzards 2012-12-26 05:12 AM

Ran into this myself just a few minutes ago. 13 conflicts/-12 changes. Deleted the project from my iPad and downloaded a new copy from the server. Turned off change tracking on both laptop & iPad and everything seems to be OK now. Good thing I'm the only one editing the schedule.

Hopefully this sync issue is isolated to change tracking problems. -12 changes doesn't make a lot of sense.

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