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Leif 2012-06-07 03:11 AM

OmniPlan for iPad is here
Well, it's here (in Sweden anyway). Itīs looking good and I am happy to send a small amount of cash to OmniGroup for another piece of great software.

Now back to planning again :)

endoftheQ 2012-06-07 03:31 AM

Now available in the UK app store! Shall I, shan't I?!

Leif 2012-06-07 03:45 AM

[QUOTE=endoftheQ;111194]Now available in the UK app store! Shall I, shan't I?![/QUOTE]

What a question! :)

badmanj 2012-06-07 04:44 AM

I would love to buy this but before I do, I need to know if it contains any export functionality such as reporting to PDF or HTML? If it does then I'm in but if not it'll be of very limited use to me since I will need to publish plans regularly.

Anyone know? Better still an example output would be wonderful!



MacDork 2012-06-07 09:07 AM

Do you know if there's a way to view the tasks as a plain list, in addition to viewing it in the Gantt chart? All of the videos, screenshots and indeed the user's manual, all show the Gantt chart.

hermann 2012-06-07 09:46 AM

Output works only as a OmniPlan file :-(
I hope, in a further version that will be possible.

Brian 2012-06-07 09:49 AM

MacDork, OmniPlan for iPad is currently focused on the Gantt chart, but we have a feature request open for incorporating the tabular view in some fashion.

I'll attach your post to the item we have open on that in our development database so the rest of the team will know you'd like to see that added. Thanks!

Brian 2012-06-07 09:53 AM

Badmanj and Herman, filing requests for more file export options. Thanks!

MacDork 2012-06-07 10:24 AM

Much appreciated, Brian :)

badmanj 2012-06-07 11:43 AM

Cheers Brian. It's not really an export option I want... Would really like to see some report generation so that I can share the plans with stakeholders. Without this ability I really can't use this app unfortunately. If we can produce a report with the Gantt chart, task list, risks and issues plus some summary charts etc, this would be awesome...

A lot to ask, I know - but currently I think this app is only really usable in a serious capacity if the user also owns the Mac version too...



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