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Dan Ingold 2007-01-13 08:35 AM

Setting print column width
There appears to be no way within the OO interface to precisely set column widths, for example to make a set of columns equal width. The only option appears to be fiddling with the column width drag bars until they appear approximately correct.

I discovered you can adjust column width precisely, however, by editing the OO XML file directly. Find the "column" tag and edit the "width" key, whose value appears to be expressed in points. Each column is identified with a gibberish key rather than the column heading, though, so you'll just have to count columns.

Before you can do this, you must change the document file format to store XML, rather than binary. This is done by un-checking "compress on disk" in the Advanced tab of the Document inspector. To get to the XML file itself, ctrl-click your OO file in the Finder and select "Show Package Contents", which will reveal the "contents.xml" file.

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