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El Mariachi 2011-02-04 08:27 PM

WebDAV sync suddenly stopped working
Both desktop and iPhone versions started returning

[CODE]The [hostname] server returned "forbidden" (403) in response to a request to "PUT /secdav/OmniFocus.ofocus/20110205051018=pc1Yu-V1X-U.client-write-in-progress-iuGfZf_pJTm".[/CODE]

Apache's error log says:

[CODE][Fri Feb 04 21:10:18 2011] [error] [client [IP address]] Unable to PUT new contents for /secdav/OmniFocus.ofocus/20110205051018=pc1Yu-V1X-U.client-write-in-progress-iuGfZf_pJTm. [403, #0]
[Fri Feb 04 21:10:18 2011] [error] [client [IP address]] (2)No such file or directory: An error occurred while opening a resource. [500, #0][/CODE]

I tried deleting Omnifocus.ofocus on the server and having OF replace the server database and got

[CODE][Fri Feb 04 20:40:42 2011] [error] [client [IP address]] (2)No such file or directory: Cannot create collection; intermediate collection does not exist. [409, #0][/CODE]

I've changed users, WebDAV directories, and everything else I can think of.

El Mariachi 2011-02-04 08:32 PM

By the way, after changing the iPhone settings to reflect directory changes, it said that its local database was incompatible with the server database so which one did I want to replace? I had it replace the local one and it seems to have pulled down the server one okay but sync still errors out as above.

Lizard 2011-02-07 04:43 PM

You may want to email [email][/email] to get in touch with our Support Ninjas.

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