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mlevin777 2011-05-26 05:36 AM

how to dismiss "due" of recurrent actions?
I have an action that I need to do every year. Once I do it this year, how do I dismiss it (so it doesn't show up in red, on Due list) until next year?


cjkane 2011-05-26 05:40 AM

Mike, If you check it as complete as long as the item has a repeat of 12 months, it should repopulate the database with the next due item.

mlevin777 2011-05-26 05:42 AM

[QUOTE=cjkane;97970]Mike, If you check it as complete as long as the item has a repeat of 12 months, it should repopulate the database with the next due item.[/QUOTE]

sorry, just to make sure I understand what you're saying: if I click it as complete, the Action will appear again sometime next year?

whpalmer4 2011-05-26 08:57 AM

If you don't want to see an action before some date in the future, the start date is your friend. Similarly, if you want to see an action turn red if you haven't completed it by a certain date, the due date is your friend. Best of all, you can be friends with both of them at the same time :-)

Have a look at this thread: [url][/url]

It sounds like you have an action you need to do sometime this year, and again sometime next year, and so on, but the only constraint is that it needs to happen sometime between New Year's Day and New Year's Eve, and it would be okay to do it Dec 31 2011 and then again Jan 1 2012 so long as it wasn't offered to you again for the rest of the year? If so, I would suggest a start date of Jan 1 2011, a due date of Dec 31 2011, with repeat every 1 year as the repeat policy.

A few things to note: [LIST][*]Behavior with leap years can be a little bit surprising at first glance, as next year's action in this case will be shown as starting a day late (so that the start date will still be the same interval before the due date as it is this year). Subsequent non-leap years would go back to Jan 1/Dec 31 correctly. This adjustment of the dates only happens if the leap day falls between the start and due dates.[*]You can't directly enter a repeat interval of a year on the iPad; the largest unit available for input is the month, although if you enter a year on the Mac, the iPad will use it correctly. Entering 12 months seems to work properly in the cases I tried. Yeah, I know this is the Mac forum, I'm just covering all the bases for when an iPad user asks a similar question :-)[/LIST]

mlevin777 2011-05-26 10:30 AM

> It sounds like you have an action you need to do sometime this year, and
> again sometime next year, and so on, but the only constraint is that it needs
> to happen sometime between New Year's Day and New Year's Eve, and it
> would be okay to do it Dec 31 2011 and then again Jan 1 2012 so long as it
> wasn't offered to you again for the rest of the year?

I need to start it April 1st of every year, and I'd like to be reminded of it a couple of weeks in advance, and it will be done by April 30th, and once I dismiss it, I don't want it to become Due again until 2 weeks before April 1st of the next year. Can it do that?



whpalmer4 2011-05-26 11:36 AM

You can't have it give you a two-week warning before it starts unless you put in another action to do that. Otherwise, I think start Apr 1 due Apr 30 repeat every year is what you need. If you want the two-week heads up, make another repeating action with start date and due date in mid-March, repeating yearly.

mlevin777 2011-05-27 04:38 AM

Ok, so if I make it "start Apr 1 due Apr 30 repeat every year" and mark the current one as "done" (check the check box), it'll stop being red (due) now but then pop up again next year?

whpalmer4 2011-05-27 06:49 AM

Yes, set the dates on the existing one to 4/1/2011 and 4/30/2011, repeat every year, check it off as completed, and check the result. You'll be able to see it in views showing remaining actions, but it will be excluded from views showing available actions until April.

Tip: you can experiment with this stuff by bringing up the inspector and using it to enter specific completion dates so you can see what gets created. Not as useful with repeat every as with start again and due again as repeat every's behavior doesn't depend on the completion date, though.

mlevin777 2011-05-27 09:11 AM


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