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Stephen Brown 2012-06-17 11:54 AM

Notetaking with OmniOutliner
This may sound stupid but I struggle with implementing OmniOutliner into my workflow.

As an example, how do I use OO for taking notes in meetings? Do I just start typing in the main fields or do I use them for short descriptions and then add the actual notes in the 'notes' field?

The Notetaking template just has a series of titles with no actual notes.

I'm suspecting the answer is going to be, do whatever feels right for me but, I'd just like a few examples from other users.


nick101 2012-06-21 02:46 PM

I do it by using the main fields, and using the indentations to show relations between notes - i.e. like a classic outliner.

At the moment, I'm switching back and forth between OO and iThoughstHD, which I sometimes find easier to use (and certainly has better export and sync features), so I haven't reached a definitive solution.

I don't use the OO templates - I find them a distraction. I just use vanilla formatting, and focus on the content

Stephen Brown 2012-06-30 09:04 PM

Thanks Nick. I have iThoughts, I might give it a bash

paddrino 2012-07-29 04:01 PM

What I typically do is start out in iThoughts first. It makes it easier and gets the creative juices flowing. After I get all the parts down in meetings etc. I then export that to OO to make it more "list like" and logical.

vegaz 2012-08-01 02:21 AM

I use a template built by myself. I like to have perceivable differences (in color, etc.) between different levels of an outline.
I prefer using OmniOutliner to take notes, since I tend to put quite a lot of text in them. I use the main fields, not the notes.
On the other side, my personal projects start often in iThoughtsHD, and then move to OO via OPML, if necessary, or directly to a simple text document

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