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wolfneuralnet 2012-03-26 02:34 PM

Saving OO Files not as .pkg - new update somewhere?
This is the response I got from Dropbox support trying to sort out why I can't open my OO files from their iOS app:

Annie - Dropbox Support, Mar 26 03:03 pm (PDT):
Hi John,

OmniOutliner has a new version of their app that saves the files as individual files instead of packages. This is not our bug as Apple created a package file type and pretends it's a file. Applications that are capable of opening packages are only available on mac OS. Please check to make sure you're running the latest version of OmniOutliner. They should have an updated version that saves the files as packages instead of files themselves.



My question is whether there is any truth to this, or is she talking about OO4? I can't find any options to save them not as .pkg files.

I know this issue is never going to get solved since Omni doesn't care about DB support, but I would still like to understand why I can't tell the app to open these files. And I am just too stubborn to give up.

Thanks for any input.

whpalmer4 2012-03-26 09:26 PM

[quote]Applications that are capable of opening packages are only available on mac OS[/quote]
That's funny, I seem to have a number of apps on my iPad which recognize and handle package files. The Dropbox app isn't one of them, but I know of no reason why it couldn't be. Yes, Apple provided the package file conceit, but Dropbox [B]is[/B] providing an app for the Apple ecosystem, are they not? I don't expect them to put package file in their web browser interface (I would love it if they did, however!) but it seems like an obvious and expected improvement to the iOS app.

I know of no OmniOutliner version which writes "flat" files instead of packages, but OmniGraffle has such an option. Perhaps they were thinking of that. Or mistaken...Omni did Hoover up the good support people, you know :-)

RobTrew 2012-03-26 11:23 PM

FWIW it does have to be a package if it contains any attachments, but if there are none, you can look inside the package and extract the contexts.xml file (compressed or otherwise, see Inspectors > Document > Advanced), change its extension to .oo3 and use it outside the package as a flat file.

It will continue to be flat after further editing and saving, unless you trigger a metamorphosis into a package by adding an attachment.

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