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roosterboy 2010-03-06 12:46 PM

OG recent files
I finally upgraded to Snow Leopard last weekend (I had misplaced my install disks several months ago) and something is bugging me.

Under Leopard, I had the number of Recent Documents tracked by the system set to 0 but OmniGraffle 5.2.1 still listed all my recent docs. And that's the way I wanted each, with each app tracking recent docs separately. Now, under Snow Leopard, OG uses the number I set in System Preferences and I see none.

Is there any way to get the old behavior back? Or is this just one of those things I'll have to adjust to?

whpalmer4 2010-03-06 05:36 PM

In the Terminal, type

defaults write com.omnigroup.OmniGrafflePro NSRecentDocumentsLimit -int 100

to set the limit for OmniGraffle Pro to 100 documents. Adjust the number as appropriate for your needs, of course. If you've got the non-pro version, the domain would be com.omnigroup.OmniGraffle.

roosterboy 2010-03-07 08:51 AM

That did the trick. Thanks!

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