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Dek 2011-10-20 02:42 PM

Keep being asked for password
Always used to store it so synced every time but get asked for password most syncs from iPhone (started this week) using OmniSync Service on iPhone but not iPad

Brian 2011-10-20 03:34 PM

Sorry for the trouble!

If you're syncing via our server, I suspect I know what caused this to start happening. The server was under very heavy load on Monday and Tuesday and folks had trouble connecting. (We're taking steps this week to try and prevent a reoccurrence at the start of next week.)

In any case, if a certain number of failed connections happen in a row on a device, OmniFocus will ask you to re-enter your password. (So we can rule out the possibility that the account info on the server side has changed and there's a new password.) It sounds like this reset happened on your iPhone but not on your iPad.

You should only be asked the password one time, though; once the correct one is entered, we store it in your device's keychain and use it from then on.
In case the keychain somehow ended up with more than one password stored - maybe a typo snuck in there or something - please try the following:

Launch Safari on your iPhone, then navigate to the [URL=""]Reset OmniFocus Keychain[/URL] page. Once there, tap the link you'll find there.

OmniFocus will launch, clear out any saved passwords in the keychain, and then quit. Relaunch the app, and you'll be asked for the password to your server account. Enter the info, being careful to avoid typos.

Once you successfully sync, you shouldn't have to enter the info again, but if that doesn't clear things up, call (800.315.6664) or email our support ninjas at [EMAIL=""][/EMAIL]; they'll be happy to assist.

Dek 2011-10-23 01:23 PM

Fantastic! Thanks very much.

Grail 2011-10-24 11:04 PM

I (think I) get the reminder continually because I signed up for OmniSync with an account starting with a capital letter, but I can only authenticate using a lowercase letter. It usually takes two attempts to log in.

Brian 2011-10-26 02:50 PM

[QUOTE=Grail;103314]I signed up for OmniSync with an account starting with a capital letter, but I can only authenticate using a lowercase letter.[/QUOTE]

The app won't ask you for your account name during a sync, but you can edit that info by opening your sync preferences from the Settings screen. The next sync should pick up on that info when it fires. Hope that helps!

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