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smartmobilesoftware 2010-04-03 04:36 AM

Apple Script to backup each context separately

I need a simple apple script which open the software“OmniFocus” and export each “subcontext” as a csv file.

Right now I have to click on each subcontext, click onfile-> export which takes a lot of time. I want to automate the processusing apple script.

I already have a script which open Omnifocus, and export everything.

Best Regards

RobTrew 2010-04-04 05:18 AM

Here is a rough draft with which you are welcome to experiment

[CODE]-- Export tasks of each Omnifocus context to a separate .csv text file on the User Desktop
-- Ver 0.01
-- Copyright ©2010 Robin Trew, UK. All rights reserved.

property pOutPutFolder : path to desktop
-- property pFolderName : "OFContexts "
property pstrHeader : "Task ID,Type,Task,Project,Context,Start Date,Due Date,Completion Date,Duration,Flagged,Notes" & return
property pDblQuote : "\""
property pDbldblQuote : "\"\""
property pComma : ","
property pType : ",Action"

on run
set lstContextTree to ContextTasks()
end run

on WriteContextFiles(lstContextTree)
if length of lstContextTree > 0 then
repeat with oContext in lstContextTree
set {strContextName, lstContextChiln, lstTasks} to oContext
if length of lstTasks > 0 then
set lngTask to 1
set strCSV to pstrHeader
repeat with oTask in lstTasks
set {strTaskName, lstTaskChiln, strProject, strContext, dteStart, dteDue, dteDone, lngMins, blnFlagged, strNote} to oTask

set strCSV to strCSV & (lngTask as string) & pType & WrapQuote(strTaskName) & WrapQuote(strProject) & WrapQuote(strContext)
if dteStart is not missing value then
set strCSV to strCSV & WrapQuote(dteStart as string)
set strCSV to strCSV & pComma
end if

if dteDue is not missing value then
set strCSV to strCSV & WrapQuote(dteDue as string)
set strCSV to strCSV & pComma
end if

if dteDone is not missing value then
set strCSV to strCSV & WrapQuote(dteDone as string)
set strCSV to strCSV & pComma
end if

if lngMins is not missing value then
set strCSV to strCSV & pComma & (lngMins as string)
set strCSV to strCSV & pComma
end if

set strCSV to strCSV & pComma
if blnFlagged then
set strCSV to strCSV & "1"
set strCSV to strCSV & "0"
end if

if length of strNote > 0 then
set strCSV to strCSV & WrapQuote(strNote) & return
set strCSV to strCSV & pComma & return
end if
set lngTask to lngTask + 1
end repeat
WriteCSVFile(strCSV, strContextName)

end if
if length of lstContextChiln > 0 then WriteContextFiles(lstContextChiln)
end repeat
end if
end WriteContextFiles

on WriteCSVFile(strText, strFileName)
set fTemp to (pOutPutFolder & strFileName & ".CSV") as text
close access file fTemp
end try

open for access file fTemp with write permission
on error
display dialog strFileName & ".csv seems to be open in another program ... Close and try again."
end try
set eof file fTemp to 0
write strText to file fTemp starting at eof
close access file fTemp
end WriteCSVFile

-- wrap string in double quotes if it contains any commas or double quotes
-- and duplicate any embedded double quotes
-- ALSO precede with a comma ...
on WrapQuote(strField)
set blnWrap to strField contains "\""
if blnWrap then
set strOldDelim to text item delimiters
set text item delimiters to pDblQuote
set lstWords to text items of strField
set text item delimiters to pDbldblQuote
set strNew to lstWords as string
set text item delimiters to strOldDelim
pComma & pDblQuote & strNew & pDblQuote
if strField contains pComma then
pComma & pDblQuote & strField & pDblQuote
pComma & strField
end if
end if
end WrapQuote

-- Return a nested applescript list representing the context tree, with attached tasks
on ContextTasks()
tell application "OmniFocus"
tell default document
set lstContexts to contexts
if length of lstContexts > 0 then
my ContextTree(lstContexts)
end if
end tell
end tell
end ContextTasks

-- Translate a collection of contexts to a nested applescript list
on ContextTree(lstContexts)
using terms from application "OmniFocus"
set lstTree to {}
repeat with oContext in lstContexts
tell oContext
set lstChiln to contexts
if length of lstChiln > 0 then set lstChiln to my ContextTree(lstChiln)
set lstTasks to tasks
if length of lstTasks > 0 then set lstTasks to my TaskTree(lstTasks)
set end of lstTree to {name, lstChiln, lstTasks}
end tell
end repeat
end using terms from
end ContextTree

-- Translate a collection of tasks to a nested applescript list
on TaskTree(lstTasks)
using terms from application "OmniFocus"
set lstTree to {}
repeat with oTask in lstTasks
tell oTask
set lstChiln to tasks
if length of lstChiln > 0 then set lstChiln to my TaskTree(lstChiln)
set oContext to context of oTask
if oContext is missing value then
set strContext to ""
set strContext to name of oContext
end if
set oProject to containing project of oTask
if oProject is missing value then
set strProject to ""
set strProject to name of oProject
end if
set end of lstTree to {name, lstChiln, strProject, strContext, start date, due date, completion date, estimated minutes, flagged, note}
end tell
end repeat
end using terms from
end TaskTree[/CODE]

smartmobilesoftware 2010-04-04 05:50 AM


I will try!

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