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bernard_forgues 2007-11-22 12:41 AM

Data lost upon upgrading: help!
Hi all,

Stupidly enough, I upgraded OmniFocus with the AppTrap uninstaller running.
[URL=""]AppTrap[/URL] automatically deletes associated system files when you trash an application.
Here, since the previous version of OmniFocus was trashed, so were associated files including all my data.
Although facing an empty to-do list brings a nice vacation feeling, I'd love to have my stuff back.

All those files went to the trash, so I still have them, but I have no idea where they belong, especially when delving into package contents...
Here's the content of the trash right now:
- com.omnigroup.OmniFocus/OmniFocusDatabase (a document)
- OmniFocus/07/13/2654162043-2400973785.cache
- OmniFocus/14/01/0647903465-1828262931.cache
- OmniFocus 46.0.94800 (the application, actually a package)
- OmniFocus copy/OmniFocus (an OF document, actually a package)
- OmniFocus copy/OmniFocus.ofocus.lock (a document)
- OmniFocus-r94950-Alpha.tbz2 (the archive of the new version, I believe)

Before I make an even bigger mess overwriting precious files, I would appreciate any help.


brianogilvie 2007-11-23 05:40 AM

Your OmniFocus data are in the package called "OmniFocus.ofocus", so that's the essential file to keep. It should be placed in ~/Library/Application Support/OmniFocus/ .

There should also be a series of daily backups in your ~/Documents/OmniFocus Backups/ folder, unless you changed the default backup settings.

com.omnigroup.OmniFocus.plist is your preference file. I didn't see that in your list, though. Is it still in ~/Library/Preferences/ ?

Your perspectives are saved in ~/Library/Application Support/OmniFocus/Perspectives/, but none of the files you list looks like a Perspectives file.

Good luck restoring!

bernard_forgues 2007-11-23 09:31 AM

Thanks Brian!
This was extremely helpful and I've been able to restore everything.
As far as I can tell, I haven't lost anything. Now that's a happy end!
Thanks again!

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