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Andrew N 2008-01-25 12:18 PM

Maintaining linked images on network volumes
I have an omnigraffle file with a few linked images. The images are stored in a 'Linked Images' folder at the same level as the omnigraffle file.

I copied the whole folder onto our server in the hope that the linked file path was relative to the original doc, as hinted by the ../Linked Images/xxxx.png file path next to the 'Alias' drop down menu in the Style: Image palette.

No luck: opening the file on another computer results in a bunch of empty image boxes...

Any suggestions for transferring a file with linked images without embedding everything??

I wish omnigraffle would work a little more like Indesign and it's handling of linked files.

pixelfairy 2011-11-30 01:00 PM

I have this issue too. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Is this a bug? It feels like one.

pixelfairy 2011-11-30 01:05 PM

related dropbox issue
this is a little bit of a tangent (sorry), but I'm having trouble sharing an OmniGraffle file that contains linked images. Has anybody done this successfully. I created a directory of images in that shared dropbox folder and then updated the path using "set image" from the inspector... but my client still just sees errors when he opens the OmniGraffle file. :(

I just want to know if I should start from scratch because the 'set image' feature is buggy.

Or if I should give up because the linked-image feature is buggy.

Brian 2011-11-30 03:00 PM

Sorry for the confusion here, Pixelfairy - when OmniGraffle links to an image, the links are absolute. They specify the entire path to the linked files on your computer; that's why your client can't see them. The path to those files is different on his Mac than it is on yours.

Our suggestion would be to use File -> Export to place a new copy of the OmniGraffle document in the shared location instead. (Set the "Format" pop-up to "OmniGraffle Document", then pick your DB folder as the location to export the file to.)

That will create a new version of your file with the images included. Your client can use that, while still allowing you to use the linked version while working on your Mac.

Simon Knight 2012-01-26 04:14 AM

For what its worth (and I may have misunderstood the question):

I'm not sure if network volumes work the same way as USB volumes but if so then the following may help. If the OG file is stored on the same volume with the linked files stored at either the same level or below [I]on the same volume[/I] then if every thing is moved to a new volume then the file links get updated in the OG file and still work.

This seems to contradict the original posters experience.

best wishes

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