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philonous 2008-04-13 11:38 AM

5.7 final less stable than final beta?

I have bee having quite a few problems with OW 5.7 final. So much so, that I have switched to Safari for now.

The most annoying problem has been that OW crashes on me when I begin typing an address into the URL bar. While OW is comparing the expression to the history and attempting to fill in the rest of the address, it crashes.

I have filed my crash reports, but I am wondering if anyone else has experienced more instability with 5.7 final than they did with the previous beta.


troyb 2008-04-14 11:40 AM

Payam, can you pass me a ticket number of a crash that you've sent in on this?

philonous 2008-04-15 06:17 AM

[QUOTE=troyb;35718]Payam, can you pass me a ticket number of a crash that you've sent in on this?[/QUOTE]

I believe this one is relevant: 284910.


Brian 2008-04-15 03:20 PM

Unfortunately, this looks like we crashed in WebCore code, not in our own code. The crash you sent in a few days before was our own code - it looks like we died in the process of checking your site preferences for the cookie settings. The one before that was another WebCore crash.

I'm not sure it's related, but can you try disabling the SIMBL plugins on your system and see if that has any effect? I'm hardly a SIMBL expert, but I'm confused why an iChat plugin like chax is loading into our memory space, but there it is.

Brian 2008-04-15 03:34 PM

looking over more of your crash reports, it looks like a pretty even split between WebCore crashes and cookie-related stuff. Troy's the OW expert, so I'll defer to him, but he probably wants to look at the following tickets:
272896, 274773, and 276106

If you are still getting crashes in 5.7 final, can you send in those crash reports? Everything I can find in the system is beta 2 or earlier.

philonous 2008-04-15 08:24 PM

Wow. Thanks. I'll give it a shot. I have already deleted all cookies.

I do report all crashes.


philonous 2008-04-20 04:03 PM

Alright, I have had to revert to Safari for now because following the above recipes did not make OW stable enough, though it did help. Even if the problem is with SMBL, I am not inclined to turn it off. Safari+Safaristand has no problems in this regard, and neither should OW.

I am looking forward to the next batch of SPs.


Brian 2008-04-21 02:53 PM

the problem here is that SIMBL plugins for iChat (chax, for example) should only load into iChat; they shouldn't be showing up in our crash reports at all. I don't get the 'smart' bit of SIMBL at all, because I routinely see their plugins loaded into OW crash reports.

I have no idea what an iChat interface hack would do to OmniWeb, but it can't be good, and trying to make the case that we should spend developer time working on solving that problem vs. making OmniWeb better is a hard sell, to say the least.

philonous 2008-04-21 10:25 PM

Well, this is a known shortcoming of SIMBL. I suppose I have this expectation from OW since I did not have this problem in any of the SPs. I don't know what changed.

For now, I've disabled SIMBL in OW, but this can be a problem. I like using megazoomer
from time to time since I have a very small screen.

Upgrading my computer is high on my list of priorities, but it's highly dependent on my budget. So, back to Safari for now. :)

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