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rogbar 2011-08-23 02:44 PM

Good way to sync OO between iPad and Mac
FWIW, I'm using PadSync ([url][/url]). Here's how it works ...

I have a few OmniOutliner documents I want to keep synced between my iPad and my Mac. These outlines were in my ~/Documents folder when I dragged them into PadSync, which works sort of like iTunes, except it automatically keeps files synced.

The OO docs I dragged from ~/Documents immediately showed up on my iPad.

When I edited the documents on the iPad and synced back to the Mac, the changed documents were not in ~/Documents ... they were in the ~/Application Support/PadSync folder (because that's where PadSync stores them). The original versions in my ~/Documents folder were un-changed.

Since Lion hides the Library folder, and I want easy access to these outlines on my Mac, I've gone into the Application Support/PadSync folder, created aliases, and moved those aliases into my ~/Documents folder. Now, when I want to access my documents on my Mac, I just go into my Documents folder and click on the aliases.

The nice thing about PadSync is that whenever I sync the iPad to the Mac, PadSync automatically copies the most recently-changed file onto the other device.

So if anyone's looking for easy syncing (until iCloud comes out), here's one way.

santra 2011-09-29 12:56 AM

Reviewing the many many threads written by people upset about the lack of sync—no Dropbox, no easy iDisk, vague promises for iCloud—rogbar's workaround makes me shudder that people are going to these lengths to get something OmniGroup should be providing.

We've had the ability to sync across ALL platforms with OmniFocus (yes, via Dropbox) for quite awhile now.

Why is it taking SO long to get this functionality into OmniOutliner? Is it characteristic of the fact that EVERYTHING about getting OmniOutliner onto the iPad has taken forever? I guess.

If anyone bothered to cull together all the separate threads written by people who want better sync, I think we'd all be surprised at the amount of interest and annoyance we're all going through.

Frankly, I can't believe that the top dozen new posts are mostly about what I consider to be tiny, inconsequential formatting and functionality issues WHEN WE DON'T EVEN HAVE AUTO BACKGROUND SYNC YET ON THIS APP YET.

Appalling beyond belief.

Edit: I can't believe I rushed to sync my iPad this morning when I saw there was a new OO update, praying Dropbox sync would finally be provided. So so naive of me. And please don't even get me started about security issues. Yes, they had a 4-hour password vulnerability months and months ago, but the lengths they went to investigate, email customers, nail down intrusion risks, provide support was far and away beyond some of the neglect over major issues I've seen from OmniGroup's programming dept. (as much as I generally love the support team here).

So I'll still be taking my Air AND iPad to work every day. iPad OO can't handle my 11,000 line KB outline for work anyway, so I guess it doesn't matter.

Myrrh 2011-09-29 01:13 PM

A good alternative in the meantime...
Until we get true sync added, I would suggest using the WebDAV option, which tends to be easy and fast. We actually have our own free server you can use (the OmniSync Server, which you may already be using for OmniFocus), and it will function as a WebDAV server to import/export files between the desktop and iPad apps.

Here is the link to sign up, if you are interested and don't already have an account:


All it takes to get set up is adding your email address, then following the instructions that will be sent to you via email. Once you have an account, simply open OmniOutliner on the iPad, tap the Import icon, choose Copy from WebDAV, and enter your info. The server location would be

[url][/url] (make sure to add the last backslash when entering this address anywhere)

To set up an OmniOutliner - specific folder on your Mac to hold your .oo3 documents, open a Finder window, click on Go/Connect to Server, and enter that same sync server address. You will then be able to click on either File/New Folder or chose the New Folder option from the gear drop-down in the Finder window. Name the new folder whatever you wish, add your .oo3 docs, and the next time you chose the Copy From WebDAV option in OO on the iPad, you will see your new folder full of documents to choose from.

Whew! That seems like a lot of work, but it really is easy to set up once you get your confirmation email from us.

We are also working on dedicated Syncing options, and of course we will be adding the new iCloud support once Apple makes it available. I truly hope this helps ease the frustration in the meantime. The Omni Sync Server should be a great, free, and easy option!

I hope this is helpful info. :)

Cortig 2011-10-07 09:34 AM

[QUOTE=Myrrh;102323]We actually have our own free server you can use (the OmniSync Server, which you may already be using for OmniFocus), and it will function as a WebDAV server to import/export files between the desktop and iPad apps. [/QUOTE]

Do you know how much space we can use on there?
It shouldn't be an issue for OmniFocus sync, for Outliner can use some fairly alrge files…


DerekM 2011-10-07 11:07 AM

At the moment there isn't a limit. We're monitoring such stats and will create a policy if needed.

Cortig 2011-10-07 11:10 AM

[QUOTE=DerekM;102560]At the moment there isn't a limit. We're monitoring such stats and will create a policy if needed.[/QUOTE]

Thanks a million for letting me know Derek,


whpalmer4 2011-10-07 11:15 AM

It's probably a good rule of thumb that if you stick to putting files created with Omni products there, they'll be happy to host them :)

Cortig 2011-10-07 11:18 AM

I have no intention to use the space as some sort of storage area for anything else, but I do insert a number of images and attachments in my OO files and wanted to make sure it wouldn't be an issue as this can make the OO file somewhat large…


enrvuk 2011-10-08 04:31 AM

Okay, but not as convenient as Dropbox
And certainly not good enough to pay for the trial OmniOutliner I have or to buy the iPad version either.

Shame it looks like a good product, but without Dropbox it just makes no sense for me whatsoever.

That's at least $100 towards the development cost :)

Eric96 2011-10-19 08:00 AM

My two cents
I have to agree with the level of frustration here and add my own to this.

Dropbox is the perfect solution here which has been available and out in the market for a lot longer than iCloud.

Yes, iCloud will be nice, but seriously, it is not the answer right now nor is the OmniSyncServer.

Frankly, because of the lack of Sync my usage of OmniOutliner for the iPad is very, very, very low..and that makes me a little peeved at the $ on spent on it.

Love Omni products, but this is not making me very happy here.

Noticed that Omni has tried to get in touch with Dropbox on the issue, but it was only to the extent of someone telling Omni you need to submit a bug report...and that was three months old.

Looking back over Ken Case's twitter feeds and he just puts his hands up saying it is a Dropbox issue.

Bottom line, the company needs to provide more clarity on the issue instead of just saying...hey wait for iCloud.

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