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rcgottlieb 2008-01-06 02:14 PM

ReQall -> email -> OF
ReQall is a phone based task system that emails you (using voice to text) what you tell it. It also includes in the email a wav file of your recording. Sorta like voice memo's, but with voice to text translation delivered to your mailbox.

Anyway, I'd like to find a way to have the email (or more importantly the actual task) go directly into OF. I know that there is an Applescript that uses the +omnifocus mail rule. I have tried changing the string the rule uses to match for the entire email contents, but it doesn't seem to add it to OF.

I am not an Applescript guru. I have, however, figured out the Objective-C ScriptingBridge framework in Leopard. Any ideas of how I can achieve this?

Note that I can say whatever I want, for my voice memo, as a marker as long as it is easily recognizable, i.e. the voice to text system is not perfect.

bigtoe 2008-12-06 01:15 PM

Focus ♡s Reqall
[QUOTE=rcgottlieb;30441]...I'd like to find a way to have the email (or more importantly the actual task) go directly into OF.[/QUOTE]

I made this work last night with OmniFocus 1.5 via I enabled email notification on reqall, then in OmniFocus Preferences->Mail enabled the "Add Mail Rule..." and added [email][/email] as an "Allowed From Address".


Then, in Preferences->Rules I modified the rule OmniFocus created so that if From Contains [email][/email] the actions are performed.


That's it, new reqall items are added to your OmniFocus inbox whenever you check your mail. It would be nice to be able to set the context and project directly based on the reqall message, I'm going to look into that later.

I haven't tried, but I'm pretty sure you could make this work in Entourage or any other email app which can trigger AppleScripts from Rules/Actions.

Slightly better walkthrough on my blog here:



bigtoe 2008-12-06 01:19 PM

note- this also makes inbox items whenever Reqall sends [I]any[/I] message to me. It would be trivial to modify the rule to exclude these, should they get in the habit of sending lots of junk...

Buckaroo 2009-02-19 08:44 PM

What AppleScript are you using in the mail rule? It's cut off of the image you posted ....


bigtoe 2009-02-20 07:47 AM

[QUOTE=Buckaroo;55425]What AppleScript are you using in the mail rule? It's cut off of the image you posted ....


The script provided by Omni. When you check the "Add mail rule..." box in OmniFocus' prefs it automatically adds the script.

If you want to add it manually the full path is /Applications/

Buckaroo 2009-02-20 05:36 PM

Got it! Thanks ...


whshep 2009-04-17 06:08 PM

This doesn't work for me. The script doesn't seem to do anything.

My Reqall subjects always seem to start with "Added:" not "

bigtoe 2009-04-17 06:25 PM

[QUOTE=whshep;58699]This doesn't work for me. The script doesn't seem to do anything.

My Reqall subjects always seem to start with "Added:" not "[/QUOTE]
You need to change the conditions for the rule to "From" "Contains". It seems you still have the default setting that OmniFocus uses when it creates the rule.

This does look a little bit confusing based on the "Add Mail Rule" GUI in OmniGraffle, which does not allow you to base the rule on anything but the "+ before @" or "subject begins with" options. If you use either option, then change it in's preferences as described above it should work.

bigtoe 2009-04-17 06:32 PM

One more note - you could just leave the rule as OmniFocus intended and set it up to add items whose subject begin with "Added:". I altered the rule to filter based on the from: because I can't be sure I won't receive some other misc. email which has a subject beginning with "Added:". I doubt Reqal will ever change that from address, so the rule should continue to work even if they change the subject or formatting of their actual messages.

whshep 2009-04-18 05:17 AM

[QUOTE]One more note - you could just leave the rule as OmniFocus intended and set it up to add items whose subject begin with "Added:[/QUOTE]

This seems to be the only way it would work.

But it's still not working here, no matter what I do.

I began to wonder if my rules were working at all, so I changed them to add "Set Color of Message" before the script, and "Bounce Icon in Dock" afterward (after removing the "Stop Evaluating Rules" line). The behavior was not always consistent, but I'm to the point where I can get the color changed, and the icon bounces (I also get a growl message about how many good messages I have). But there's still nothing in my OF Inbox.

What am I missing? Any ideas?

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