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KirbyKrieger 2013-04-25 10:02 AM

Restore after kernel panics (sync'd with iPad and iPhone)
My rMBP died spastically ten days ago: repeated kernel panics, erase and restore, more KP's, new motherboard, still more KP's ("cascading failures" in the words of the Genii), shipped to the Mac hospital in Texas for another new motherboard and some Franken-magic, and now back and, seemingly, working correctly.

OFO took a hit. I did not make any changes to my database via either iDevice, but soon after my laptop died I started getting sync issues on both. I have clicked "Cancel" every time I get a dialog on the iPad asking which database to use.

The two databases -- the one back on my laptop, restored from a disk image I created before the erase and install, and the one on my iPad -- are more than a little out-of-whack. A brief glance tells me that the laptop version is more recent, and that the iPad version is confused.

In addition to the restored-from-disk-image database currently on the laptop, I have whatever older versions Time Machine (and OFO) have saved. (Added: I just discovered that I have 390 back-ups of my OFO database. I guess I'm supposed to manual delete them, when I want?)

What is the best strategy for going forward?

I need to have one database, sync'ed to the three locations. I am willing to go back to a version just before the KP's started. Can I restore from TM, override the sync database on the Omni server, and then restore from the server to my devices? How?

_Many_ thanks.


KirbyKrieger 2013-04-25 10:54 AM

Resolved (afaict).
Thanks for reading. I have resolved this (I think and hope).


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