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PeterRHawkes 2010-08-24 01:16 AM

Clipping into OmniFocus from Outlook 2011 [See post #34]
Are there any plans for OF to work with email from Outlook 2011?

I do love my Mac, and so pleased to have ditched the PC, but for there not being a good alternative to Outlook!


Arild 2010-08-24 04:30 AM

A bit off topic answer following, but I really doubt Outlook will be scriptable for OF, although I could be wrong. Anyway:

I thought the same as you did when switching to Mac, but today I only use native programs; Mail, Address Book, iCal. To compensate for a few of Mail's shortcomings in mail handling, I use [URL=""]Mail Tags and Mail Act-on[/URL]. I have been connected to an MS Exchange server for nearly two years, and there is no doubt that Mail has had far fewer issues than Outlook users at work had during that time. I never regretted switching in other words.

For consolidating data: If you need to link info and see it in one place, there is Bento as a cheap, very ok solution. As for professional, large databases there is nothing matching Filemaker whereas a free form alternative is Devonthink (which I use myself). The latter works great with OF too, by the way.

PeterRHawkes 2010-08-24 05:40 AM

I understand your adoption of Mail etc but a 'one stop' shop for mail, cal and contacts is far more attractive particularly when I understand that Outlook 2011 comes with VBA which allows great possibilities. The downside is OF is soooooooo good!!

Patrix 2010-08-24 06:22 AM

Depending on your needs Mail, iCal and Adressbook are equally good (and scriptable via AppleScript as well). If you need a more CRM-like solution, see Arilds post above for some initial pointers.

If you need a tighter integration it might help if you could clarify about the specific things you want to accomplish with OF and Outlook/Entourage.

tarun101 2010-08-24 06:59 AM

Outlook 2011 is shaping up to be a good product.

I think it will be easy to script Outlook as it will support applescript (along with vba)

signal 2010-10-01 04:41 PM

Biggest problem so far is that Outlook 2011 does not even allow you to save an email. Older OF scripts used this functionality to get a proper link to Outlook. I have no idea why you can not do something basic like save an email to the filesystem, but you can't.

I would love a script or functionality where I can bring an email or email+attachment into OF like we use to be able to do with scripts on Entourage.

signal 2010-10-01 04:57 PM

Actually I may have spoken too soon, the actual shipping release seems to work with the older OF scripts. It gets the attachment even though Outlook can't save. I don't know enough about AppleScript to know how this is working, but the Outlook emails are in XMLish type language that is confusing, it would be great if OmniFocus could display the emails like they do in Outlook

RobTrew 2010-10-01 07:47 PM

[QUOTE=PeterRHawkes;84190]I understand your adoption of Mail etc but a 'one stop' shop for mail, cal and contacts is far more attractive particularly when I understand that Outlook 2011 comes with VBA which allows great possibilities[/QUOTE]

[QUOTE=tarun101;84193]I think it will be easy to script Outlook as it will support applescript (along with vba)[/QUOTE]

It looks as if VBA [URL=""]may not[/URL], in the end, have made it into Outlook 2011.

grangej 2010-10-02 12:35 PM

I would be very happy to be able to "use some script" to attach email to omnifocus, any ideas on what direction we need to go to get this working?

The comments above about "mail , ical, and address book being the answer are not completely true. I have been a long user of the built in mail and absolutely hated entourage, but Outlook 2011 is really a good solid product and is only missing the ability to add a task into omnifocus based on an email or selection of an email, with some sort of link back in the omni-focus

Arild 2010-10-05 11:16 AM

[QUOTE=RobTrew;86605]It looks as if VBA [URL=""]may not[/URL], in the end, have made it into Outlook 2011.[/QUOTE]

Not this time either...? Incredible. I suppose Microsoft thinks that will make Mac users convert to Windows at least for work. My reaction is, however, that I will probably never even consider Office 2011... I have Office 2008, but the continuous database daemon's clogging of the system makes me avoid using it unless I have to for collaborative reasons.

PeterRHawkes has a point: Mac has hardly any obvious, ready-made productivity suite alternative - baked into a single UI - but I must say I prefer to live with my Mail/iCal/Address Book/Omnifocus/Devonthink-combination (with additional tools such as Omnioutliner and Novamind). After the miserable performance of Office 2008 on my system, it takes more than Outlook 2011 to convince me.

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