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lorew 2011-06-19 10:49 PM

How to set up a new database?

I have finished my job and I am moving to a new job/country/assignment.
Therefore I would like to start with OF allover again. In other words I would like to start with new contexts, folders etc but would like to keep the old database somewhere separate in case I need some information out of it.

What is the best way to start all over but still be able to load the old database when necessary?

Thanks for any help

Brian 2011-06-21 01:51 PM

Happy to help! Just quit OmniFocus, then move this folder to wherever you'd like to archive the old data:

<your home folder>/Library/Application Support/OmniFocus/

Next time you start the app, a new database will be created so you can start over. Hope this helps!

lorew 2011-06-22 02:09 AM

Hi Brian,

thanks for your answer. This helps a lot. Just a last question. If I want one day to open the old database (the one I moved out as you described). What is the easiest way?

Perhaps move the present database out of the folder you mentioned and move the old database into the folder? When reopening OF it will just load the old database?

What about this ways and working only with backups? Let's say I keep a back up of the old and of the new database. So whenever I want to load the old database, I use the function "revert to database backup" and point to the backup of the old database. When I want to go back to my present database I point to the latest backup of the present database. Would this work as well?

Thanks for your help. Much appreciated.

whpalmer4 2011-06-22 07:08 AM

To open a database other than the "production" one, just double-click the file in the Finder. OmniFocus will open it in a different window, and you can interact with it much like you do the "production" database, though perspectives won't work. If you need to restore a project or some actions, you can just drag and drop them into your database from the other window. No need to move any files around.

Do [b]not[/b] use File→Revert to Database Backup for this purpose! You want to look at the old database, not revert to it.

lorew 2011-06-22 10:20 AM

Thank you as well whpalmer4. This answers my question. Great.

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