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idea2go 2008-01-01 07:08 AM

iCal Sync --- how frequent?
I'm having trouble determining when iCal Sync occurs. Is it on some regular basis or triggered by a certain amount of new information? What about information from other sources (such as my Treo) that sync back up to the Mac and then to OF for instance? I've been manually triggering the sync since I don't trust OF to stay current.

Craig 2008-01-01 07:20 AM

My impression was OF ONLY syncs when manually instructed to do so, but I may be wrong.

Tinchohs 2008-01-01 08:19 PM

This is my understanding as well...

hardcoreUFO 2008-01-02 06:46 AM

It would be great if there were an option to auto-sync when OF closes. I often forget to sync manually, and so my ical task list falls behind.

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