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dr3wster 2008-07-10 11:18 AM

Hey all,
I've been a user of omnifocus since the beginning and I'm going to buy the omnifocus iphone app as soon as I get home from work. But looking through the forums I'm confused as to how useful it will be for me. At the moment I don't have a .mac or .me, and I see that the listed alternative is "any webDAV server". What exactly is a webDAV server, and are there any free servers that I could access? Can I set one up on my home computer? Or am I pretty much SOL :confused:? Thanks!

Edit: after some quick googling I came across iCal exchange: [url][/url] . It appears to be for publishing your iCal calendars but as far as I can tell it uses webDAV to do so. Can I potentially use this? Sorry I am currently not at my personal computer so I can't really try these things out.

dmcg 2008-07-10 11:49 AM

I've just tried icalx, but the sync fails, with the following in the console:

10/07/2008 20:48:39 OmniFocus[29653] Presenting modal error: {
code = 9;
domain = "com.omnigroup.framework.OmniFoundation";
userInfo = {
NSLocalizedDescription = "Warning encountered while loading XML.";
NSLocalizedFailureReason = "Extra content at the end of the document\n";
"libxml_code" = 5;
"libxml_domain" = 1;

dr3wster 2008-07-10 11:55 AM

Thanks for the update! After some more looking around it looks like you can use [url][/url] has how to set it up as a webDAV server. if you try it please keep me posted, thanks!

AquaMethod 2008-07-10 12:10 PM

Tried it, and while both OmniFocus for the iPhone and for the Mac both sync to it, the iPhone app ends up with only the default OmniFocus database (i.e. "Learn more about Getting Things Done").

Lizard 2008-07-10 12:25 PM

dr3wster: If you have a mac, you could enable WebDAV on it. (I don't know the exact steps but I've seen a few likely sets of instructions just by googling.) This will allow for syncing whenever your iPhone and mac are on the same local network. It may even be possible to poke enough holes in your firewall to get to it from the outside world, but that depends a lot on your ISP and might open you up to security problems.

dmcg 2008-07-10 12:26 PM

Good instructions for setting up webdav on your local apache [URL=""]here[/URL], but I can't get iCal to publish this way, nor OF.

Brian 2008-07-10 12:29 PM

Aqua, if you're using the method in the article that dr3 linked to, you'd want to use the 'disk' sync method, not the WebDAV method.

There are a lot of variables involved in setting up WebDAV with various providers, so it's extremely hard for us to help.

Figuring out how to assist folks that want to avoid paying for MobileMe is definitely on our radar screen, but if your goal is to be ready to go right now and with a minimum of fuss, it's at least worth considering.

AquaMethod 2008-07-10 12:37 PM

[QUOTE=Brian;39866]Aqua, if you're using the method in the article that dr3 linked to, you'd want to use the 'disk' sync method, not the WebDAV method.[/QUOTE]

On the Mac version of OmniFocus, I put [url][/url] as the URL for my WebDAV, authenticated, and then pushed the settings out to my iPhone. It picked them up, but the iPhone only has the default OmniFocus database that the Mac version has.

dmcg 2008-07-10 12:42 PM

Same symptoms here. I'd pay for .mac, but is down for maintenance.

Looking at the files on, there is a folder OmniFocus.ofocus-copy-in-progress-xxx, but it is staying resolutely empty.

Console says

10/07/2008 21:48:03 OmniFocus[29653] sync started 10/07/2008 21:48:05 OmniFocus[29653] Copying 20 files for a total of 59553 bytes.

but nothing seems to end up on the server except the empty folders, one per sync

jginsbu 2008-07-10 12:43 PM

[QUOTE=AquaMethod;39875]On the Mac version of OmniFocus, I put [url][/url] as the URL for my WebDAV, authenticated, and then pushed the settings out to my iPhone. It picked them up, but the iPhone only has the default OmiFocus database that the Mac version has.[/QUOTE]

I'm seeing something similar, I think. Using a different WebDAV service, OF on the Mac (just updated to the latest build) is claiming to have synced, but all that's on the server are empty folders. I don't have an iPhone yet, so I can't say for sure, but something seems amiss...

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