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pumpkinwhite 2009-01-14 04:37 PM

Bug: Incorrect or missing 'due soon' label for nested contexts
In the contexts view on the iphone, if you have nested contexts, then the screen that displays all the contexts shows an incorrect or no 'due soon' label.

I have a context called 'Lab'. And I have a nested contexts for the 3 labs I work in. Assume the three nested contexts to be 'Section A', 'Section B', 'Section C'.
Here is the breakup of the remaining tasks -
'Section A' - 2 tasks (both available, no 'due soon')
'Section B' - 11 tasks (4 available. 2 tasks are 'due soon' of which 1 is available)
'Section C' - 0 tasks (none available)

In the screen where only the main contexts are shown it doesn't show any 'due soon' label along with the context 'Lab'. It only says '6 available'.
When you tap on lab, it says -
Section A - 2 available
Section B - 4 available, 3 due soon
Section C - None available.

This problem is occurring only with nested contexts. And it doesn't make any sense. NOTE - Section B is showing '3 due soon' whereas it should show only 2. There seems to be no logic to this. I have due dates for all tasks, but start date is blank for all of them.

The behavior is correct in the desktop version. If you collapse a nested context, it shows adds the number of 'due soon' items and labels it such. And even in the iphone version, in 'Project view' the labels show up correctly for nested projects. Just for nested contexts in context view it gets screwed up.

Another observation - If you add an action (on the iphone) to the context 'Lab' and make it due soon, then in the main context view, it won't add up 1 + 2 (for Lab and Lab:Section B). It will show '1 due soon' in front of Lab. And here is the kicker - If you try to delete the new action (the one under the main label), the APP CRASHES!!. Every single time.

And then if you make any change on the desktop, and sync it again, the label on the main context view, changes to some other number which is also incorrect.

Sorry for the long post. Hope others can replicate the issue. I tried to find another thread with this issue, but could not. Don't know if it is a known issue. Please help.

Brian 2009-01-14 04:57 PM

We've gotten some reports of due soon totals not adding up as folks expect, but we didn't have a repro case for it yet. Using your description, I was able to set up a test case, but it's showing too few, rather than too many, due soon actions.

It would be most helpful if you could attach a screenshot of how this appears on your phone and a copy of your database to an email, then send that off to the support ninjas.

To take a screenshot on the iPhone, hold down the Home button, and then briefly press the Power button on the top of the device. (With the screen you want to take a picture of visible, of course.)

Your screen will flash white - this means that the screenshot was added to your photo roll. You can now use the camera application on your phone to email the photo to yourself, then attach it to a response to this email and send it along.

Thanks for doing that; it'll give me some information which may help me determine what's going on here.

Brian 2009-01-14 04:59 PM

About the crash - yep, it looks like deleting the last action assigned to a parent context will crash the app. Written up. Thanks very much!

(I couldn't repro it at first, but that's because I had a second action in that context.)

pumpkinwhite 2009-01-14 07:28 PM

Thanks Brian. Actually I had already taken screenshots, and had thought of mailing them in later. Was waiting for corroboration from the forum post before troubling the support ninjas.

I can imagine that the notification number you get is too less. That happened the first time with me too. However (and this is just conjecture), if you add more 'due soon' items, and then remove those items, the higher number gets stuck. I haven't been able to test it out fully, so I'm not sure what's happening. It's interesting to note that after adding-syncing-deleting-syncing from my desktop, the '3 due soon' is showing at the top level context also (apart from the nested one). In both cases the total is wrong.

And you are right that the crash happens only when you remove the last item. I had forgotten to mention that. Thanks for writing this up.

mark4flies 2009-02-09 08:02 AM

I think this problem is the same or similar
When I go to Contexts, I see, for example, "Home 26 available; 4 due soon; 1 overdue". When I select the Home context, I see the overdue item (but not in every case) and only 1 of the 4 that are due soon. This context is not nested.

I have looked over the manual and the forum but I can't find an explanation.

Brian 2009-02-09 02:55 PM

Is this on the phone? You may want to open up the settings screen and check your "in contexts, show:" setting. If it's set to "available", try switching it to "remaining". Does that make the missing actions visible?

"Available" will hide actions whose start date hasn't arrived yet; "Remaining" shows uncompleted actions regardless of their start date.

If an action started tomorrow morning and was due tomorrow evening, for example, the Available filter would hide it, even though it's due soon...

Brian 2009-02-09 03:24 PM

To clarify, if that does fix your issue, you ran into something that we consider a bug. The code that makes that "x available, y due soon, z overdue" list should be respecting the thing I had you change over in settings.

Right now, though, it always behaves as if you had it set to remaining.

mark4flies 2009-02-15 07:18 AM

Thanks for the tip. I leave the setting for Contexts to Available. When I change it to Remaining, then I see more items but not the number indicated. I don't know if they are not shown or if they are simply not highlighted as overdue or due soon items.

Why wouldn't overdue items, whose start date is past, not show up with the Available setting?

Brian 2009-02-16 08:46 PM

It's hard to say for sure without looking at your database, but if an action is in a sequential project and previous steps aren't done yet, the action isn't available.

That's one thing I can think of off the top of my head. If that doesn't explain it, you'll want to contact the [EMAIL=""]support ninjas[/EMAIL] - I'm out of the office right now, so I'm out-of-sync with the folks I discuss stuff like this with by a couple of hours.

whpalmer4 2009-02-16 10:16 PM

Why wouldn't overdue items, whose start date is past, not show up with the Available setting?[/QUOTE]

Besides what Brian mentioned, there are a few more cases why overdue items might not show up as Available. Do they have a context assigned? Prior to the 1.6 Sneaky Peek and the corresponding iPhone version, not having a context assigned would keep an item from being considered available. Also, if assigned to a context or project that is on hold or dropped. Another possibility (if not in this particular case) is that the start date is still in the future (you probably didn't intentionally set a start date later than the due date, but mistakes happen now and then with data entry, accidentally including something in the selection when making a bulk change in the inspector, changing start or due without changing the other, etc.)

I make a point of checking due dates with a Remaining setting to protect me against such surprises. I think this might also be why the "Due Soon" selector on the desktop version looks at all remaining actions instead of just available ones, as discussed in another recent thread.

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