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DerekM 2011-02-09 03:40 PM

OmniOutliner for iPad sneak peek video from Macworld 2011
The video of the OmniOutliner for iPad sneak peek presentation from Macworld is now available! [url][/url]

hypotyposis 2011-02-14 07:59 AM

Hmmm... How about showing what they actually demo on the screen rather than having it at an angle and from far away? Maybe it's aging, but I really can't see much of what the iPad simulator screen is showing, although your ninja looks really good...

Brian 2011-02-14 02:14 PM

Oh, good point - I'll mention this to the appropriate folks here. Thanks!

santra 2011-02-21 09:35 PM

[QUOTE=hypotyposis;93269]Hmmm... How about showing what they actually demo on the screen rather than having it at an angle and from far away? Maybe it's aging, but I really can't see much of what the iPad simulator screen is showing, although your ninja looks really good...[/QUOTE]

I'm with you, hypotyposis. This vimeo video is one of the most depressing things I've seen in ages. To watch the presenter stumble over and over again while reading script off his screen, not to mention OG not having done a REAL screencast with Screen Flow or something similar, is pathetic beyond belief. Jeez, I could have produced a ScreenFlow presentation in an afternoon that would have told the viewer 10x the amount of information shown in this convention video. And if I worked for OG, I'd be so excited about my job, I'd have every word of that script memorized and know the app inside out.

We've been waiting about a year for OO to come to the iPad, with promises after promises from Ken. It looks like it's going to be delayed until the end of 2011. Unbelievable.

OG kind of depresses me these days. When I think back to the OF Alpha rave party at TekServe in NYC when they pretty much gave away the alpha version of OF to all of us WAY before it ever got officially released, I shudder in disgust at OG's development of so many apps slowing to a complete crawl. What is going on up there in the Seattle office?

It might be OK if they were secretly developing something as awesome as Twitter or Wolfram Alpha, but I don't think that's the case. Dropbox integration hasn't even come to OF yet, whereas the smallest apps imaginable (like Mindnode), not to mention huge apps like PersonalBrain and DEVONThink, have made DropBox integration a reality (if not officially, then as a completely easy hack).

Holy moly, even Marketcircle has Daylite on the iPad now! (That's because they're not trying to spend 2 years to make it perfect.)

Tech moves too fast nowadays. Get the product to the newest platform quickly or you look like a joke.

Harsh words for a company I love, but in OO's case, it's the truth.

whpalmer4 2011-02-22 10:31 AM

Oh, come on. The OO sneak peek wasn't even on the original schedule, as I recall. Kris was busy working the booth (and doing other presentations) all week, not sitting around in his office polishing the OO presentation.

No one ever promised OmniOutliner for iPad would be ready a year ago. Go re-read Ken's iPad or Bust! post. For that matter, re-read all of his status updates. They've delivered several iPad apps (including substantial additions in subsequent minor releases). OmniPlan 2 is in private beta test with a huge slug of new features. There's a bunch of delegation support in process for OmniFocus which you can't see. We got the Omni Sync Server. OmniFocus 1.8. A lot of work has already gone into OmniOutliner for iPad, as evidenced by the fact that they had an app they could show, even if you didn't think the presentation was polished or detailed enough. You also don't see the work done on OmniOutliner 4, or OmniFocus 2.

DevonThink might have Dropbox integration, but they now have an iPad app with sync issues and without a developer. Oops.

As you'll see Ken say over and over if you re-read his posts, if you find something else that suits your needs better, you should use it.

dude 2011-03-16 07:07 PM

[QUOTE=whpalmer4;94013]As you'll see Ken say over and over if you re-read his posts, if you find something else that suits your needs better, you should use it.[/QUOTE]

And by the activity in the OO forum, I'd say that is exactly what people have done. While the iPad version is nice, think about how long we have waited on the OS X version.

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