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bushi 2009-05-02 03:20 AM

omnifocus roadmap?
Omni people is talking about some omnifocus 2.0 features, here in the foro. When is omnifocus 2.0 planed? There will be some intermediate release before?

whpalmer4 2009-05-02 05:12 AM

You probably couldn't get an answer to that question even if you could download a OF 2.0 sneaky peek release at the moment, other than "we'll ship it when we think it is ready." There is at least one intermediate release in the cards, however, as sneaky peek releases (labeled 1.6.1) have been available since shortly after OF 1.6 shipped.

Toadling 2009-05-02 11:42 AM

And I've seen mention of an OmniFocus 1.7 coming up after that.


Brian 2009-05-04 03:28 PM

Our current plans are to do at least two more 1.x releases, which we're referring to as v1.6.1 and v1.7; standard caveats (our plans frequently change) apply. Some of the goals for the 1.7 release are to add a couple of features and do some UI tweaks so folks on Mac OS 10.4 continue to have a good experience.

We're also working on OmniFocus 2.0, which will require Mac OS 10.5 or later. This release is undoubtedly farther out than the 1.x work.

More specific than that, I can not be, for I'm not one of the folks planning or working on those releases. :-)

mwilding 2010-02-13 08:08 AM

OF 2.0 - multiuser - release date
Brian: I am ED of nonprofit. I have 1.7.5 OF now... love the GTD organization & iPhone interface. I want to have my staff implement OF and work on shared projects. I hear this multi-user capability is in OF 2.0. I need to make a decision on a platform for our organization soon. Can you confirm multi-user in 2.0 -- and give me some indication of when it will be released? 30-60- days or months out? Thanks, Mark

whpalmer4 2010-02-13 09:21 PM

Mark, I'm not Brian, although we have a similar silhouette from the neck down :-) Talking to him today at Macworld, I think it is safe to say that you might not like his answer: the company is trying to ship 5 new iPad applications this year (OmniFocus, OmniGraffle, OmniGraphSketcher, OmniOutliner, OmniPlan), and frankly, it was already a pretty aggressive plan to get OmniFocus 2 out the door this year (along with the other planned Mac software releases) before that plan came along... there's also a 1.8 OmniFocus release (which won't have any multi-user features, so far as I know) due to hit the streets soon.

I'm disappointed in some ways, because Ken told me about some very interesting work they've done for linking OmniPlan and OmniFocus in the 2.x releases of both products, but I think trying to be ready with great apps for the iPad early on is the right move for Omni, and in the long run, for us, too. Undoubtedly some potential (and current) customers will be lost because they simply can't wait any longer for either a product or a definite date, but as the old saying goes, you can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs...

wilsonng 2010-02-14 04:53 AM


So I guess their iPhone/iPad road map would look like this:

[B]1. OmniFocus (@ iPad launch - resized iPad version only; no new iPad specific features)[/B]
2. OmniGrapher Sketcher (@ iPad launch)
3. OmniGraffle (@ iPad launch or shortly thereafter)
4. OmniOutliner (6 to 9 months)
[B]5. OmniFocus (end of 2010 - revised to take advantage of the iPad)
6. OmniPlan (end of 2010)

So we will see an OmniFocus app that is just resized for the iPad. No new features. We'll finally see a more fully-fleshed OmniFocus for the iPad hopefully by the end of the year.

Just by guessing, it looks like OF 2.0 may coincide with the OF for iPad.

It definitely looks like they have their hands full!

Robbie1702 2010-02-14 02:32 PM

I must say, I personally am very disappointed that development on OmniFocus for Mac has been stalled that far into the future!

Whether it was wise of the Omniguys or not to publish a roadmap of future releases and promise OF 2.0 in early 2010 is open to debate... The point is though, that many users have eagerly been expecting several new features for Omnifocus to suit their workstyles - and now all that remains is disappointment.

A very valid point was made in the thread on tagging ([url][/url]) that a plethora of problems including prioritisation, multiple contexts etc. would be solved by introducing this single feature.

Tagging is such a versatile tool, that it would build on OF's unique selling point on being so generously customisable to suit every user's work style. It would finally perfect the claim of being the most flexible GTD application out there.

ONE feature is all it takes, and even though I appreciate Ken Case's investment into the future with his move to create a suite of software for the iPad - and I agree with him when he says large touch screens are the future. If only this one feature of 'tagging' were to be added to OF, it would allow so many minds out there to finally be at rest.

I appeal to the Omni developers: Please consider just adding tagging to the Mac version before you stall OF for Mac's development for an entire year.



curt.clifton 2010-02-14 04:42 PM

Whether it was wise of the Omniguys or not to publish a roadmap of future releases and promise OF 2.0 in early 2010 is open to debate[/QUOTE]

Do you have a link to the thread where 2.0 was promised for early 2010? It seems very unlike Omni to promise a release time frame for anything. They tend to couch things in terms of what they "hope" to do. I also don't recall a published roadmap of future releases anywhere.

Robbie1702 2010-02-14 05:15 PM

Ok, maybe my statement wasn't quite accurate. In fact I'm pretty sure the Omni people didn't set out a roadmap. As you say, they normally express their plans as 'hopes' or 'targets' - which is fine. I even appreciate that they do share their plans for the future and listen to their customers, unlike other companies. In one of the numerous threads talking about new/desired features, I was convinced I had read something about an early 2010 release of OF 2.0. Maybe I'm wrong.

But what really matters, is to find a solution to these numerous problems & wishes that customers have. Don't understand me wrong here, I find OmniFocus to be the best To-Do-List/GTD software out there.

As constructive criticism I merely wanted to promote the wide-ranging solution of adding the 'tagging feature' to -as you yourself recognised, Curt- so many "monster discussions".

If I see it correctly, OmniFocus for Mac seems to be one of the flagship products. The iPhone software is usable, but not great without it. Therefore, neglecting its development would also potentially lower the expected success rate of the impending iPad suite.

I'm sure many people out there would agree with me that tagging would solve many major discussions.

Is there a Poll for that?

Ciao, Robbie

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