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HappyDude 2009-06-29 02:26 PM

Take a Look @ My Projects & Actions, For Support.
The other thread titled, "How Do You Name Your Actions? (For Best Results & Motivation)" produced this thread where i'll include photos of my current actions and projects.

I wasn't kidding in the other thread when I showed photos of my Laundry actions. Then again, that's how I originally wrote out the project when I first started using OF almost 3 months ago.

Example: Do laundry: put in washer, and dryer and seperate clothes according to color. (Sort out by colors and remove stains in white shirts)

This is an example of how I would originally write out my action steps, I guess in a mental frenzy to just get it out of my head and when the time came, to read that and do it. With the Laundry example I managed to get that completed weekly, on time...but other projects with this sentence like action step structuring didn't. Originally these Laundry tasks where under a "Laundry" project but now have been all moved under a "Clean Home" project where now "Laundry" is an parallel action step, the long sentence if needed now goes under the notes section, just in case.

I'll include photos of all my perspective, my context lists, my projects list, all action steps, etc. I've gone ahead and started changing the way some projects and action steps are worded, so you'll see how new action steps now are more succinct like, "The Gym" rather than how it was once worded, "Go to the gym to lift weights, then jog 45 minutes."

When I started the other thread I asked for the best ways to name projects & actions, since to an extent I believe the way I would originally write action steps would look daunting when it came time to GTD. I'd look at an action step reading, "Go through Aarti's Scholarship lists and click on each list to look at the requirements, write down the names of the scholarships that i'm eligible for" and look open FireFox browsing a frivolous website rather than doing my work. I mean, I guess I didn't clarify to myself what needed to be done in that action step. I wrote, "Go through" rather than "open Scholarships PDF and click on links" or something.

I still sincerely believe that the way I name things was my original cause of concern to GTD, and definately feel the need to revamp the way my action steps a worded; you'll see for yourself...

...But also 2 other values in productivity have come into mind.

The first was wording, and how I believe my action steps need to be shorter and begin with an action verb, to know what I need to do.

2nd, [B]this might be the most important[/B] is my lack of motivation. It's interesting because OF is open for me to see everyday and yet i'll look at my available actions and not get a thing done. Sure it might be the wording but i'm def. not too motivated to do all the things I need to do. Though I don't yet have a concrete answer as to why this is; i'm sure to an extent is that some of those projects I hardly though, you know the ones that have sat in OF for way too long but are really important and not yet expired?

For example, I hate the subject of math at my university. Hate math period. But I need to take a math placement exam at my Uni to place out of math and not have to take the last math requirement. Or I can sign up for the class. <<<What I just explain is similar to the way its worded as a project in my "Math Placement Test" project in OF.

I'm not motivated with math at all, but it does need to get done. Perhaps I need to make [I]all[/I] of my action steps smaller in time, I remember reading once that 20-30 minute single actions were a good rule of thumb. But i'm not here to give myself advice, that's where you guys come in.

Finally, I'm def. going to get rid of my "TODAY!" perspective i've used only a few times. I was just testing things out. It only showed my flagged available items, to show me what I wanted to get done today. That's gonna go out the door.

But I did want to mention the Review function.

When looking at my Projects, going to Grouping under Next Review, i've turned this into a perspective and seems like a great tool to see what needs more attention and what is close to blowing up. I'm only mentioning i've turned this view into a perspective in case there is a better way for reviewing everything in OF...

...anyways, help is really appreciated. Thanks!

link to pics: [url][/url]

thoreinar 2009-06-30 03:56 AM

Do you have the opportunity to post the actual setup which you have used. Or is another way to implement it the same way as you have done


curt.clifton 2009-06-30 07:06 AM


I think you're on the right track. Your self-diagnosis about shorter, active action names seems reasonable.

I see a few in there that have multiple steps that could be split into sequential actions. For example "So should I purchase a 1st Gen 8GB iPod Touch? If so, make the purchase on eBay." That looks like a project to me. In Merlin Mann's interviews with David Allen, David mentions actions like this ("decide" actions) as troublesome. I try to handle these by giving myself something more concrete to do. For example, "Check prices of 1st Gen 8GB iPod Touch on eBay", or "Brainstorm 8 reasons pro and 8 against getting a 1st Gen 8GB iPod Touch", or even "Mind map reasons for and against getting a 1st Gen 8GB iPod Touch". If you then decide against, just drop the project. If you decide for, then add actions like bid on eBay, check auction status, send payment, wait for delivery.

HappyDude 2009-07-01 12:03 AM

[QUOTE=thoreinar;61978]Do you have the opportunity to post the actual setup which you have used. Or is another way to implement it the same way as you have done


Um, the photos i've linked to is my actual setup...unless I don't understand your question.




I think you're on the right track. Your self-diagnosis about shorter, active action names seems reasonable.

I see a few in there that have multiple steps that could be split into sequential actions. For example "So should I purchase a 1st Gen 8GB iPod Touch? If so, make the purchase on eBay." That looks like a project to me. In Merlin Mann's interviews with David Allen, David mentions actions like this ("decide" actions) as troublesome. I try to handle these by giving myself something more concrete to do. For example, "Check prices of 1st Gen 8GB iPod Touch on eBay", or "Brainstorm 8 reasons pro and 8 against getting a 1st Gen 8GB iPod Touch", or even "Mind map reasons for and against getting a 1st Gen 8GB iPod Touch". If you then decide against, just drop the project. If you decide for, then add actions like bid on eBay, check auction status, send payment, wait for delivery.[/QUOTE]

Hey Curt,

The "1st Gen iPod Touch" is an example of me jotting something down in the Quick Entry box and rather than letting it sit in the inbox I sent it to misallanious rather than actually take time to process it. But I hear ya, loud and clear. It definately could use it's own project; funny thing is that when i'm slacking off during the day not looking at OF or my actions, i'll be on eBay looking at iPod Touch prices. I'm sure if I dig deep enough i'd find some sort of irony.


I appreaciate you taking time to reply and take a look @ my set-up.

I've been using the review feature and changed the name of a few projects and their action steps. I've used notes sparingly and with the review feature have taken time to make sure each step is the best I can make it. When I'm reviewing I make sure the inspector is open at all times to see everything the action holds. (I love the review feature) This will be my GTD weekly review from now on.

Here are a few photos of the updated and renamed projects and action steps. (I haven't gone through everything yet)

Link: [url][/url]

curt.clifton 2009-07-01 05:53 AM

Here are a few photos of the updated and renamed projects and action steps. [/QUOTE]

Looks great! Keep up the good work. I think you're right about the importance of reviews for keeping things on track.

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