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Brian 2010-04-16 09:30 AM

Accepting applications to beta test the Omni Sync Server
We've been investigating what it would take to offer a server for customers to use to sync their OmniFocus data. (This would be an additional hosting option - none of the existing options would be going away!)

We've done some initial research, set a test server up, and would now like to start collecting data that will help us determine if this is something we can feasibly do long term. Specifically, we need to figure out what kind of resources (in terms of server hardware and data traffic) this would require.

If you'd be interested in such a service and are willing to store your OmniFocus sync database on our server, we'd appreciate it if you could head over to [URL=""][/URL] and let us know your email address.

We plan to start sending out invites early next week, in the order that folks sign up. We'll be inviting folks gradually, with a goal of getting as many folks on the server as possible while maintaining acceptable performance.

Answers to a couple of questions I expect will be fairly common follow. Please post or [EMAIL=""]email us[/EMAIL] if you have more questions!

[B]What's this cost?[/B]
Syncing OmniFocus through our sync server is free.

[B]Is this thing going to blow up and eat my data?[/B]
We'll make every effort to prevent that from happening, but it is a possibility. That said, if something does happen, nobody knows more about how OmniFocus sync works than the folks that run this server. :-)

[B]Will you guys look at my data?[/B]
We value your privacy. We'll only look at a customer's OmniFocus data when it's absolutely necessary to solve a problem, and we'll get their permission before doing so if possible. (If someone is misusing the server, that's a different matter.)

[B]Can I sync OmniGraffle or OmniGraphSketcher for iPad using this server?[/B]
Not at this time, but if that's something you'd be interested in, please [EMAIL=""]let us know[/EMAIL].

porschestrasse 2010-04-16 10:08 AM

Consider me 'Applied' As of now, I use MobileMe iDisk, but if there's anything I can possibly do to help improve OmniFocus; I'm there!

I've got a MacBook Pro and an iPhone, soon to be joined by an iPad. And I love OmniFocus!!

rawn027 2010-04-16 10:22 AM

I will gladly help test this!
I have two macs, and ipod, and an iPad all of which need to stay in sync with OF. I use it every day.


mikegolds 2010-04-16 10:23 AM

would this be something where omnifocus would be accessible on the web as well?

i LOVE OF on my mac and iphone (and soon ipad...), but my biggest bummer is that my assistant isn't on a mac, and won't be anytime soon. i would switch from mobile me in a heartbeat and gladly pay for a different service if it had the ability for web-based input.

this probably is a completely different thing to do than what you're talking about, but i figured i'd ask as long as you're talking about using your own servers...

Dogsbreath 2010-04-16 11:16 AM

What is the point when there are so many other services that one can use to host the OF data?

Unless of course I would be able to access my data from a web browser. That would be cool and would open the market to those of us forced to used a lesser OS at work. You know which one I mean!!

porschestrasse 2010-04-16 11:43 AM

[QUOTE=Dogsbreath;76019]What is the point when there are so many other services that one can use to host the OF data?

Unless of course I would be able to access my data from a web browser. That would be cool and would open the market to those of us forced to used a lesser OS at work. You know which one I mean!![/QUOTE]
They didn't say anything about creating a web application. If you read what is written, it's only a server to sync your data to.

Dogsbreath 2010-04-16 11:48 AM

I read what's written. I don't expect OG to tell us everything. Is OG just after a slice of the online disk space market, or is there more to this than initially meets the eye?

Ken Case 2010-04-16 01:00 PM

[QUOTE=Dogsbreath;76021]I read what's written. I don't expect OG to tell us everything. Is OG just after a slice of the online disk space market, or is there more to this than initially meets the eye?[/QUOTE]

We're not even remotely interested in the online disk space market. We'd just[*] like for all our customers to have a great syncing experience, and some have had trouble finding that elsewhere.

If you have a sync server that's already working well for you, though, there's no need to risk our beta server!

P.S. — I guess I shouldn't say "just": if offering this sync service does look to be feasible for the long term, we might explore offering other services as well.

designerbrent 2010-04-16 01:10 PM

I would love to be part of your beta. I use a MacBook Pro, iPhone and iMac.

brab 2010-04-16 10:24 PM

This sounds great, I was about to move my OF data from MobileMe to, but I guess I'll wait and test this first.

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