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Handycam 2006-11-28 11:43 AM

Customizing "Next/Previous"?
I know on many pages, hitting "enter" selects the "next page" link, which is sweet.

How does that trick work, exactly? It works on many pages (e.g. Google) but not on many others (e.g., where is chooses the first "continued" link). What is OW looking for?

Better yet, is there anywhere is the app, even by manually editing the plist, to add synonyms for "next" (e.g. "siguente", or "next photo")?

Forrest 2006-11-28 11:48 AM

Do you have some example links? Sounds like either javascript or forms.

JKT 2006-11-28 01:48 PM

From what I can tell, it looks for a link with [B]next[/B] in the name. If it doesn't find one, it won't work. Not all sites have a next link when they have multiple pages and instead use e.g. arrows. Those sites don't advance when you hit the enter button. At other forums, rather than having Next for the next page in a thread, they will have Next Thread (like here!) which means it will advance a thread rather than a page when you hit enter. MacNN forums are annoying like that.

Handycam 2006-11-28 02:05 PM

How about the Gawker Media sites, like [URL=""][/URL]?

Hit enter on the home page, and you see the "detail" page for the first article with a "continued" link, not the next page.

JKT 2006-11-28 03:25 PM

For me it activates the Next Post link at the top right of the home page and, for the subsequent "Post" pages, the Next link in the same location...

zottel 2006-11-29 10:32 AM

This feature doesn' seem to work at all, here (only tried this forum and Google). Just a guess why: I use the international version, German locales. So OW will probably look for "nächste"—and Google uses "vorwärts" as link title in it's German version. I view just as many English sites as German ones, so this feature isn't of so much use to me.

Couldn't OW look for any localized version of "next"? Or even better, have customizable search words?

Len Case 2006-12-06 08:42 PM

If you look inside the application (Show Package Contents from Finder) in Contents/Resources/English.lproj (or de.lproj for German) you will find an entry like:
[CODE]/* next page search strings - separated by commas */
"next" = "next";
You can change the second entry to contain whatever strings you would like separated by commas.

zottel 2006-12-07 02:08 PM

Ah, great! :-)

Would it be possible to do this in the .plist file? So I wouldn't have to update my installation with every new version?

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