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johnrover 2012-03-14 08:50 AM

Clip-o-Tron with or without attachements
I would really love to have the option to run the clip-o-tron either with or without attachements, via different keyboard shortcuts.

(read as: via 2 different services?)

How can I make that happen?

Many times i need to include the attachment, because it is integral to the task. But other times I don't want to add all the crap in the email and bloat my OF database. Any suggestions?

whpalmer4 2012-03-14 10:30 AM

I get behavior that seems close to what you want by simply choosing what I select before clipping. If I have the line in the list of messages selected, I get the whole enchilada. If I instead click in the message and do command-A, then clip, I get the same action name, I get the From: line including the Original Message link, and I get the text but not attachments. To clarify, I'm talking about text mail with attachments, not html mail, which doesn't respond as well to this approach.

Brian 2012-03-14 04:12 PM

I believe we have a feature request open on something like this; if I can't find one, I'll file it as a new one. Thanks!

One side note about Bill's suggestion - IIRC, the Clip-o-tron won't include attachments at all under Lion, but that's due to a change in Mail's AppleScript support. See [URL=""]this thread[/URL] for more info.

johnrover 2012-05-02 09:57 AM

Any updates on this?

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