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Macka 2012-01-04 09:39 AM

Creating reports?
Is there any progress on creating reports with OmniFocus for iPad? There was a reply to a previous post by Brian from Omni on 2010-08-31 against the subject "Possibility for PDF Export of Reportings" indicating that a PDF export feature was in the works. What's happened to that?

I use OmniFocus on my iPad quite heavily now for work, and every time my boss asks me to provide updates, it kills me having to re-type bucket loads of information that I [B]should [/B]just be able to just dump into an email or export.

Take iThoughstHD for example; a superb mind mapping application. I can export any mindmap in a variety of ways, including as an email attachment using [B]17[/B] different file formats. Or, I can just highlight and "copy" the hub from any mindmap, open up Mail and paste it into the text to get a crude outline format of the mm text.

Come on Omni ninjas .. at least give us something basic to be getting on with while you cook up something cool.

Thanks - Macka

whpalmer4 2012-01-04 12:16 PM

Brian said there was a feature request, not that someone was actively working on such a feature. There are many, many feature requests! It's "in the works" in the sense that Omni is aware there is interest, but as Brian has said, the feature requests with the most interest are the ones that tend to get attention first (and even the most popular might not necessarily turn into instant new features!) and there's no way for us to discern whether someone is coding it up as we speak or if there will be hailstorms in Hell before it happens...

GeorgeV 2012-01-04 08:07 PM

I would love to see a way to export hierarchical lists as well. Doesn't matter to me if it's a PDF or an email. Just let me be able to get stuff out of OF. this is a huge limitation. Please put this in.

Macka 2012-01-05 12:06 AM

I imagine that in the past the majority of OmniFocus for iPad/iPhone users would have had a copy of Omnifocus for Mac to sync with, where they could do their printing/reporting from. And the iPad was very much a home user's appliance.

But today (since iOS 5) owning a Mac or even a PC is not a pre-requisite to owning an iPad, and iPads are filtering into the work place and business. I see more and more iPads at work as time goes on. Management are taking an interest - visiting consultancts have them, etc. We have an iPad evaluation program running where I work right now for example. But there isn't the same corresponding increasing in availability or use of Mac's in the workplace (some, yes, but not as much). So today, and in the future, OmniFocus for the iPad needs hold its own as a standalone product; not one that requires it's Mac twin to complete the feature set. Reporting is not a nice to have feature in a business environment; it's essential.

Tedallen 2012-01-05 07:26 AM

Absolutely in the Post PC world, this has to come out of the iPad. expecting customers to go out and buy a Mac in order to do something as basic as reporting is really luddite

Brian 2012-01-05 02:56 PM

Printing is a fairly popular feature request for the iPad app. That said, the Mac customers have been waiting quite a while for a number of features they want to see in that edition, too.

Engineering's all about tradeoffs - sometimes it's "do we work on this feature or that one" and sometimes it's "do we work on this app or that one". In an ideal world, we'd be able to work on everything simultaneously, but alas, we do not live in that world.

Added the requests in this thread to the dev database. Thanks, folks!

swduncan 2012-01-26 09:16 AM

[QUOTE=Macka;105860]I imagine that in the past the majority of OmniFocus for iPad/iPhone users would have had a copy of Omnifocus for Mac to sync with, where they could do their printing/reporting from. And the iPad was very much a home user's appliance. [/QUOTE]

Actually the product page quite clearly justifies the excessive $40 price tag on the basis that it has "all the features of the desktop version—and then some—for half the cost!" when it clearly doesn't, assuming the desktop app has reporting.

whpalmer4 2012-01-26 09:34 AM

[QUOTE=swduncan;106592]Actually the product page quite clearly justifies the excessive $40 price tag on the basis that it has "all the features of the desktop version—and then some—for half the cost!" when it clearly doesn't, assuming the desktop app has reporting.[/QUOTE]

That's [b]not[/b] what it says. It currently reads:[indent]
OmniFocus for iPad combines the in-depth task management functionality of our desktop app with the advanced mobile experience of the iPad.
However, if you feel you've been misled, and are within 30 days of purchase, you can get a full refund by contacting Omni.

swduncan 2012-01-26 09:41 AM

Please see [url][/url], third bullet point.

whpalmer4 2012-01-26 10:10 AM

Yep, you're right, that statement is indefensible. The other one that I quoted is reasonable, in my opinion.

If it makes you feel any better, the Mac version has a reporting function that could be generously described as rudimentary.

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