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PeterRHawkes 2010-07-06 09:47 PM

Email detail to Action
From Mail I can select an email, right click, and then 'OmniFocus: Send to Inbox' and I get a new action with the content of the email in the Notes together with a link to the email itself.

Is it possible to get the content of an email , and a link, into an existing Action within OmniFocus?

Peter R Hawkes

whpalmer4 2010-07-06 10:29 PM

Not in a single step, but if you do the technique you described, you can then copy and paste from the note of the action you created to the place where you want it.

Toadling 2010-07-07 07:30 AM

Another option is to drag the desired email from Mail's list view into the notes field of an existing OmniFocus action. This will give you a link to the original email (but no content).


Arild 2010-07-07 12:40 PM

I use two very convenient Mail add-ons called Mail Tags and Mail Act-on that I recommend. A little shortcut for copying the message URL is added, making it possible to paste a link into the note fields of multiple OF actions (or into other files). If you're interested, [URL=""]here's a link[/URL].

PeterRHawkes 2010-07-07 01:38 PM

Thank you for the suggestions, it is the ability to place link and content into an existing Action that would be of greta benefit! Is there a 'wish list' for OmniFocus?

Mango Himself 2010-07-08 10:50 AM


thanks for the suggestion. Just a quick question. Which do you use for the message URL? Mail-Act or Mail Tags? And how do you do it?


Toadling 2010-07-08 12:35 PM

As an aside, message URLs can be obtained with AppleScript as well:

tell application "Mail"
set _sel to get selection
set _links to {}
repeat with _msg in _sel
set _messageURL to "message://%3c" & _msg's message id & "%3e"
set end of _links to _messageURL
end repeat
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to return
set the clipboard to (_links as string)
end tell

Alternatively, you can save the above AppleScript as a Service using Automator. Then you can assign a keyboard shortcut to it using System Preferences -> Keyboard -> Keyboard Shortcuts -> Services.


Arild 2010-07-09 12:30 AM

[QUOTE=Mango Himself;79840]Arild

thanks for the suggestion. Just a quick question. Which do you use for the message URL? Mail-Act or Mail Tags? And how do you do it?


The shortcut is Cmd+Alt+Ctrl+U, you'll also find it under "Edit" in Mail. I couldn't say, however, if the script shipped with Mail Act-on or MailTags, but I sincerely recommend the combo anyway, having used it for more than a year without issues.

I tried a search for this without success, but if you have any suggestions you could let me know (not found in any folders related to Mail, application support, bundles, etc.)

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