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neilio 2006-03-30 12:04 PM

Find as you Type support
This has always been a half-completed project in earlier versions of Omniweb, but with Webkit it would be really great to see a true version of this in Omniweb. It's one of the major things I miss a lot when using Omniweb.

I know Safari does not support this out of the box, but the Saft plugin (and a few others) can add support for this, so it is doable.

Generally speaking, it would be great to see Omniweb somehow make it possible for existing Safari inputmanagers to work "out of the box" once the developer adds loading support for their plugins. This would open up a huge number of plugins that could extend Omniweb's features beyond what Omingroup plans to roll out.


philonous 2006-03-30 02:33 PM

I second this most strongly. I miss this feature a lot, too.

[QUOTE=neilio]This has always been a half-completed project in earlier versions of Omniweb, but with Webkit it would be really great to see a true version of this in Omniweb. It's one of the major things I miss a lot when using Omniweb.

I know Safari does not support this out of the box, but the Saft plugin (and a few others) can add support for this, so it is doable.

Generally speaking, it would be great to see Omniweb somehow make it possible for existing Safari inputmanagers to work "out of the box" once the developer adds loading support for their plugins. This would open up a huge number of plugins that could extend Omniweb's features beyond what Omingroup plans to roll out.


fryke 2006-03-31 04:24 AM

(on such forums, it's considered good behaviour _not_ to quote a whole message and just add a line, even more so if what you quote is right above your message...)

Although I don't _really_ miss the feature, I guess I would make use of it if it were there, so I second this, too.

Jon Hicks 2006-03-31 06:06 AM

This is the highest on my feature request list. I use this all the time in Camino and Saftari, while Firefox has an excellent UI for find as you type searches that pops up when you start typing. Please implement this!

Forrest 2006-03-31 12:37 PM

I would like find-as-you-type provided two things:
- a suitable replace me for the current "find-link-as-you-type" is created
- the find entry continues to work the same way it does now. for example, if I do a find in OW for "omniweb" when I go into BBEdit I just need to hit "find again" to find the same word. I'm sure this is due to some sort of system integration and has a given name, but I'm not aware of it.

Otherwise, hitting command+f first hasn't been much of an issue for me.

Jon Hicks 2006-03-31 01:32 PM

[QUOTE=Forrest]Otherwise, hitting command+f first hasn't been much of an issue for me.[/QUOTE]

Hitting cmd-f isn't an issue, but typing straight away, and hitting cmd-g to find other instances is just simply SO much faster.

Forrest 2006-03-31 02:29 PM

[QUOTE=Jon Hicks]Hitting cmd-f isn't an issue, but typing straight away, and hitting cmd-g to find other instances is just simply SO much faster.[/QUOTE]

So right now someone has to hit command+f, type, hit return and then command+g. What you guys are asking for is just to type, and then command+g. Thus removing the need for command+f and hitting return, correct?

With Firefox, which you mentioned earlier, to me it seems like I still have to hit command+f to do find as you type. So the only time saver is not having to hit return. Is that correct?

Ken Case 2006-03-31 03:57 PM

The advantage of Find As You Type (also known as Incremental Search to those of us who've used it in emacs for 20 years) is not that it saves you from having to hit Command-F or Return, it's that you don't have to type the full search string if you find what you're looking for after typing just a few of the letters of the search.

I definitely want to add it after we ship 5.5, I just don't want to get distracted from shipping 5.5 as soon as possible.

Forrest 2006-03-31 04:56 PM

Ahhh, ok. Thanks.

Jon Hicks 2006-03-31 09:36 PM

But it does also save you from hitting cmd-f and return!

BTW - in Firefox, there is a preference that lets you start typing without cmd-f first.

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