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larkost 2007-08-29 04:02 PM

OmniWeb 5.6sp5 not working on a "future" os
I just wanted to make the comment that on a certain new build of a certain "future release" of an OS that OmniWeb 5.6sp5 (v612.0.90481) is not working correctly. It launches successfully, but can't seem to display any content (not even the internal default page). Going to any page just leaves the content blank, an the progress spinner spinning.

I thought you might already be aware of it, but was surprised to not see any comments about it, especially since in the last build of said OS OmniWeb was very much more stable than the built-in browser.

Oh, and I have removed preferences and Application Support with no change in behavior.

Handycam 2007-08-30 09:58 AM

Maybe it hasn't been discussed since legitimate Apple beta testers are not supposed to talk publicly about the unreleased NDA software?

philonous 2007-08-31 10:06 AM

Define "legitimate". :)

larkost 2007-08-31 11:29 AM

Handycam: I am a legitimate user of the software I am using, and I do not feel that my posting in any way broke NDA. I have a good list of bugs files with Apple, some of which are even acknowledged as non-duplicate! If you can infer any useful information at all from my posting that is not publicly available on Apple's website, then you have a promising career as a fortune teller awaiting you.

The bit about Safari being crash-happy in a certain build is not exactly useful information. And the only thing one could infer from the information that OmniWeb does not work would be non-useful without being able to examine both.

Handycam 2007-08-31 12:48 PM

Relax, I was just sayin', is all...

But I was an Adobe beta tester, and during photoshop beta (for example) I couldn't post on an Extensis forum that Photoshop beta had a problem with Suitcase (not that it did, this is an example). :-)

Ilgaz 2007-08-31 02:21 PM

I am sure Omni group has early access to betas of OS X.

The issue here is, it is still a _beta_ OS. What if they fix a issue sparing all their development time and next build or worse, final version, that issue pops up in different way?

It is same deal as Safari 3 which we are allowed to discuss. If I was a developer, I wouldn't spare my precious time trying to make something work with Safari 3 beta. I would wait for final version and while on it, I would enhance my code/fix my application issues on a real final version of OS.

larkost 2007-09-02 12:42 PM

To the Guys and Gals at OmniGroup: Thanks! That feels much better to be back on OmniWeb!

Ilgaz 2007-09-03 04:44 AM

[QUOTE=larkost;20470]To the Guys and Gals at OmniGroup: Thanks! That feels much better to be back on OmniWeb![/QUOTE]

I was just about to say Omni group fixed the developer release OS issue (read from release notes).

In case anyone else wonders :) I know lots of OS X Developers prefer Omniweb because it is a native OS X app.

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