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cataloger1 2009-09-06 08:00 AM problem...
Hi, as a new user of OmniWeb, I am very frustrated that I can't seem to load one of my favorite sites, [url][/url], in OmniWeb, whereas it works fine in other browsers. Whenever I try it, it says, "Cannot load address...the network connection was lost". Again, I don't have this trouble anywhere else.

With peace,


troyb 2009-09-08 11:41 AM

Hi Henry,

Washington Post works okay for me, though I know our support ninjas regularly see people with problems here. Try turning off the "Request web pages in my preferred languages(s)" preference found in the Languages site preferences for Washington Post.

I think this was suspected to be causing issues but in case it doesn't help, you'll also want to uncheck the settings in the Ad Blocking preference pane:

Matching known ad sizes
From third-party sites
From blocked URLs

Let me know how it goes, hopefully making these changes will fix the problems you're seeing.

sdpetersen 2009-10-05 03:38 PM

washingtonpost problem
I had the same problem. I managed to solve the problem; perhaps it will work for you. Instead of [url][/url], I use <>. It takes me to the top of the news section.

robotank 2009-10-05 07:59 PM

I gave this a shot just to see. I too got the error initially. However, Troy's advice worked perfectly. After changing the setting in site prefs for the domain, the page loads fine.

sculwell 2009-10-05 10:22 PM

[QUOTE=robotank;67905]I gave this a shot just to see. I too got the error initially. However, Troy's advice worked perfectly. After changing the setting in site prefs for the domain, the page loads fine.[/QUOTE]

same here.

philonous 2009-10-13 03:22 PM

I just got this same error with with this version of OW:

Product: OmniWeb-5.10
Date: 2009-10-09 19:05:50 -0700
Builder: omnibuild
Revision: 120408

Glenn_K 2009-11-04 03:37 AM

Weird. Same here and I normally go to the site since I'm in Wash DC!

Glenn_K 2009-11-04 03:40 AM

[QUOTE=troyb;66421]Try turning off the "Request web pages in my preferred languages(s)" preference found in the Languages site preferences for Washington Post.

This worked for me.

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