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dsmccormick 2010-07-30 07:09 AM

Can you import data from original iPhone/iPad app?
I just got the application and it looks brilliant.

I have had the existing iPhone/iPad app on my iPad. Is there any way to import that data into the new iPad application or do I need to sync through my OmniFocus for Mac sync point?

Thanks, David.

whpalmer4 2010-07-30 07:14 AM

Syncing is the easiest way. After you've got it working for a day or two, if you've got the desktop application (I assume you probably do), you'll want to go to the Sync preferences on the desktop app and deregister the client corresponding to the iPhone app running on the iPad, unless you are going to continue running both of them.

If you can't do it by sync for some reason, you could use the debug URL that causes OmniFocus to mail your database to the support ninjas, changing the address to send it to yourself instead. Then, in the Apps section of iTunes, scroll to the bottom and click on OmniFocus, then add the copy of your database that was attached to the email.

dsmccormick 2010-07-30 07:17 AM

I am going to sync when I get home, then get rid of the iPhone version on the iPad. I was just hoping I could get going immediately with the existing task list. Guess I'll have to wait (against my nature). Thanks, David.

whpalmer4 2010-07-30 07:39 AM

It's a different app, so it doesn't have access to the old version's data...

mandolin 2010-07-30 10:44 AM

easy with mobileme
Don't know about other sync methods, but I had both apps on my iPad and just used the mobileme sync. It even worked although I synced the iPad app first, forgetting there was new stuff still unsynced in iPhone app. I just synced the iPhone app and resynced the iPad app.

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