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Schimmi 2007-12-30 01:42 AM

Printing perspective with AppleScript

In the AppleScript documentation for the perspectives it is written that they "respond to print" with the following explanation:

[CODE]print v : Print a document.
print list of file or specifier : The file(s), document(s), or window(s) to be printed.
[with properties print settings] : The print settings to use.
[print dialog boolean] : Should the application show the print dialog?

How is this supposed to work? Tried many variations

[CODE] tell perspective "Drucken" to print {first document}
tell perspective "Drucken" to print {}
print {perspective "Drucken"} with properties "" print dialog yes[/CODE]

... but nothing wants to work: "Some parameters are missing for print".

Any idea?

RobTrew 2007-12-30 04:08 AM

This works for me:

[CODE]tell application "OmniFocus"

set oPP to perspective "ThisMorning"

print oPP

end tell[/CODE]

or just

[CODE]print (perspective "ThisMorning")[/CODE]

(Doesn't work without the brackets)

Note, incidentally, that the {curly brackets} which you were experimenting with are reserved for lists, including property lists.

Schimmi 2007-12-30 08:47 AM

Neither works for me. I still get the same error "... Some parameters are missing". Of course the perspective exists:

[CODE]tell application "OmniFocus"
set p to perspective "Drucken"
end tell[/CODE]


[CODE]perspective id "i8HFU0lXYzP" of application "OmniFocus"[/CODE]


[CODE]tell application "OmniFocus"
set p to perspective "Drucken"
print p
end tell[/CODE]

fails. Running latest OmniFocus snapshot.


Schimmi 2007-12-31 01:01 PM

Seems to be fixed in last snapshot.


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