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CareyB 2010-07-30 09:08 AM

iPad won't sync with existing MobileMe account
Gets stuck on the 'fetching database' screen. There's nothing strange about my setup on MobileMe. When I restored my iPhone 3GS to go go OS4 there was no problem :confused:

jbrown 2010-07-30 09:14 AM

Sorry for the trouble here! If you shoot us an email at [email][/email], we'll get you up and running.

leanda 2010-07-30 09:35 AM

Same here. Tried deleting MobileMe database and re-syncing which normally solves the problem. Deleted and re-installed the app, synced and re-synced. Been trying to get up and running for nearly two hours now. Synced all my devices, moved old data to archive.

It just hangs on Fetching remote database and then quits.

mandolin 2010-07-30 10:14 AM

sync worked great for me
downloaded the app eating luch at Panera, synced via mobileme, remembered I'd added an action in the iPhone version I'd been using on the iPad, synced that, and resynced the iPad version. All in about 2 minutes.

It was so seamless I didn't pay much attention, but I remember it asked if my mobileme Omnifocus data was in the Documents folder. If yours isn't at the root of Dcouments, or if Documents isn't at the root of your account data (is that even possible?) it probably won't work with the default settings. I actually wasn't sure where mine was, but, because I seldom change default settings for things that work across platforms, I decided to go for it.

Now I've added an action: map my online data with OmniGraffle and keep it up to date so I don't have to guess.

CareyB 2010-07-31 02:14 PM


Interesting… Wouldn't sync in the field using manual setup, but once home, and using shared settings over the network, everything went as it should - smooooooooooooothe!

So… Never mind ;)

jashan 2010-08-01 01:01 PM

Hm ... syncing has been a nightmare for me, too.

I had just set up syncing again for my iPhone after a "Reset" and it was super-easy. But with OmniFocus for iPad, I've tried it about 7 or 8 times by now spending about an hour, always (well, almost) with "Share Settings" of the desktop application (I'm using MobileMe).

Most of the time, it enters "Fetching remote database" and gets kind of stuck there ... like there is progress but it is extremely slow. Usually, after a while it says "timed out". I also had a few times where it wouldn't even get to "Fetching remote database" (and complain that the data is not there).

My Location is<myName>/Documents/

<myName> obviously is my name ;-)

I'm on a pretty decent WiFi connection here, so that shouldn't be the problem (also, I can easily sync iPhone and my 2 Macs over the same connection). On the iPhone it says "153 projects, 1167 actions, 217 zip-files).

My OmniFocus.ofocus package on the iDisk is 347 KB ...

jashan 2010-08-01 01:16 PM

Hm ... very interesting: I just switched my iPad to Airplane mode and then reactivated the WiFi network. That way, I disabled the 3G network. And guess what: Suddenly it worked smoothly.

Now sure if that really was the problem ... but I'm glad I got it fixed (right after almost giving up ;-) ).

leanda 2010-08-01 11:55 PM

Sorry, should have updated how I fixed it. I switched sync from MobileMe to Omni Sync Server and went through the attachment list on the desktop version to remove some large attachments.

Once I was up and running I switched the sync back to MobileMe.

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