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ohrobot 2012-11-06 12:46 AM

Shortcut for Updating Due Dates
How can I quickly edit the due date of one or multiple existing actions? Currently I can only see and edit the due date when I select an action ‣ open the inspector ‣ go to the due date tab ‣ click the really tiny calendar button ‣ select a date in the date selector. I assume there's a quicker way to set a relative (e.g. +2d) due date or an absolute due date. Is there a shortcut for this?

Lizard 2012-11-06 11:21 AM

There's a couple shortcuts.
1) Type a date in the due date field on the inspector. It understands partial dates like "tomorrow" or even "tom" or "January" or "Fri" or "2d" or "1w".

2) For even faster access to the due date field, go to the View menu. From there, choose Columns, and then Due Date. This should add it to the main view.

ohrobot 2012-11-06 11:41 AM

[QUOTE=Lizard;117029]There's a couple shortcuts.
2) For even faster access to the due date field, go to the View menu. From there, choose Columns, and then Due Date. This should add it to the main view.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for this hint. That definitely helps. Also I like that you can select multiple items by clicking in the area at the beginning of the items (dot). But then again you can only use the info window to change their settings. I wonder why the info area actually is an acutal extra window as you need it so much. I would rather see that integrated into the interface. Or is there a hidden setting for this I missed ...?

whpalmer4 2012-11-06 11:44 AM

Note also that you can select multiple items before making your change in the inspector, changing them all at once.

Also have a look at various scripts, like Dan Byler's [URL=""]Defer script[/URL] and RobTrew's [URL=""]SetDates script[/URL]. Post on how to use scripts with OmniFocus [URL=""]here[/URL]. Depending on why you are adding/changing the start/due dates, these scripts might be quite helpful.

whpalmer4 2012-11-06 11:45 AM

On a small screen, being able to hide the inspector when you aren't using it is helpful. On a big screen, just park the inspector next to your window.

ohrobot 2012-11-06 11:57 AM

Also have a look at various scripts, like Dan Byler's [URL=""]Defer script[/URL] and RobTrew's [URL=""]SetDates script[/URL]. Post on how to use scripts with OmniFocus [URL=""]here[/URL]. Depending on why you are adding/changing the start/due dates, these scripts might be quite helpful.[/QUOTE]

Oh, thanks for this. The defer scripts really look promising.

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