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rrkpl 2011-10-24 06:38 AM

OmniFocus & Project Management Workflow Question
I use OmniFocus on my Mac. iPad and iPhone. The two aspects of use are tasks like phone calls and to-do's and Projects. Projects are usually composed of tasks that each need a pre-estimated amount of time (write copy, do voice over, edit video...) These type of tasks seem best suited for scheduling into a calendar type environment like (edit 4 hours Friday 1pm to 5pm).

So... My question. What is the most efficient work flow to convert time based tasked listed on OmniFocus to calendar project management. Up till now I sit with OmniFocus open and go task by task and make entries in ical booking the time for these tasks but I feel there 'must' be a better way.

Any Thoughts?



Christian 2011-10-24 06:55 AM

Hello Richad,

see if this thread holds some inspiration for you: [url][/url]

rrkpl 2011-10-24 09:28 AM

Hi Christian,

Thanks for the link! I had previously read a number of the posts on that thread (though not all 12 pages :) . It sure shows that a number of folks are looking for calendar integration. I've played with an iPad App called Smart Pad and though it's task and project functions are way too elementary for my workflow, it has a feature that allows you to turn a task into an event. Once converted to an event it shows up on the App's internal calendar and the iCloud calendar. That kind of integration would be perfect for me. I could leave "Client reviews copy" as a task and "Do voice over" as an event that would have a start and stop time and date.

Christian 2011-10-24 09:36 AM

Yes, I, too would love the integration of a fully-featured calendar view into OF, especially on iPad and iPhone. Forecast view is a good start but the functionality you described would be very helpful. There is an app called Pocket Informant (which comes from windows mobile and BlackBerry, from long ago). They have apps for iPad and iPhone but, while this software features a combination of tasks and calendar options (including seeing tasks in the calendar), it is not as intuitive as OF. It also has no desktop client.

If OG would incorporate such a calendar view, that would make OF a lot more useful than it already is.

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