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johnrover 2012-03-17 01:11 PM

When is the web front end coming?
When is the web UI coming?

We must know.

CatOne 2012-03-17 06:31 PM

[QUOTE=johnrover;108465]When is the web UI coming?

We must know.[/QUOTE]

Well they said that the OmniFocus for Mac UI refresh was higher priority. I wouldn't hold my breath.

whpalmer4 2012-03-17 08:20 PM

For some reason, whenever discussion of when some Omni product or big new feature will ship is encountered, a comment by John Maynard Keynes pops into my mind:
[INDENT][i]Markets can remain irrational a lot longer than you and I can remain solvent.[/i][/INDENT]
I'm not sure why, though ;)

Perhaps this exchange might replace it, being more apropos to software development:[indent]
A: Do you have a time estimation to develop it?
B: Mhhh, about 2.
A: Hours?
B: Don't know the unit yet.[/indent]

Christian 2012-03-18 12:16 AM

Stop asking for such features, damnit! First in line is the holographic hammer that I requested years ago. That has STILL not been done!

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