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daveburke 2008-07-07 10:54 AM

Why are my squares moving when I double-click?
I can't figure out why, when i double-click a line to end it, i get this weird "align all objects in the middle of the page" behavior, which i can't undo.

[URL=""]Watch the video[/URL]

Any ideas? Thanks!

Brian 2008-07-07 12:58 PM

Ah, dave - I just responded to your tweet, 'cause I saw that first. Thankfully, our forums support answers of more than 140 characters. :-)

It looks like automatic layout is turned on. (Maybe the template you started your document from did that for you?) If you open up the "Canvas" inspector, unchecking the "Automatic Layout" box in the "Diagram Layout" tab will stop that from happening.

The undo issue is something we plan to change in the upcoming 5.0.1 release. There's [URL=""]a beta build[/URL] on our site, if you're not averse to running pre-release software.

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