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JamesX 2010-10-14 06:49 AM

omnifocus unusable - takes 4 minutes to sync iphone/ipad via mobileme
it takes 4 minutes to sync my ipad or iphone , I am syncing via mobileme.

This just started in the last week or so... at first i just ignored but I find this is restricting me from using omnifocus because it takes way to long to sync

if I check the sync progress it seems to hang around the 3/4 mark for a long time.

I tried moving old date to archive but that did not help
any help would be appreciated

whpalmer4 2010-10-14 07:26 AM

On the Mac, go to the OmniFocus sync preferences and click the Show Clients display. Do any of your devices have more than one entry? Have any of the listed clients not synced in the last day or two? What does the Settings menu item on the iPad report for numbers of projects, actions, and zip files? Delete the older of any duplicates in the Show Clients display, and have each of the devices do a sync.

JamesX 2010-10-14 07:35 AM

when I selected show clients - I got the follow error:

Cannot Synchronize
Unable to build client status plist from data at [url][/url] of digits here.client/:cannot parse a NULL or zero length data

whpalmer4 2010-10-14 08:18 AM

Probably your best option is to wait until 10 AM Pacific time and call up the support ninjas at 1-800-315-6664.

You're using MobileMe as your sync host — by any chance do you also use the MobileMe iDisk sync? The two can conflict, potentially damaging your database, and a slightly different configuration should be used to avoid problems (storing the database in a part of the iDisk where the sync isn't done). The support ninjas can help you with that as well (though I suspect they would suggest you simply use the free Omni Sync service instead).

Sandgrounder 2010-10-30 07:08 AM

Hmm. I had a similar experience, really slow sync on Mobile Me, but I'm trialling Spootnik now, and the sync is way, way, faster, so if Spootnik doesn't work out I may look at Omni's own sync instead.

Frankly nowadays I'm paying for a family membership of Mobile Me solely for Calendar/iPhone sync. Most other services are way better than Apple's own!

mcogilvie 2010-10-30 08:03 AM

[QUOTE=JamesX;87436]when I selected show clients - I got the follow error:

Cannot Synchronize
Unable to build client status plist from data at [url][/url] of digits here.client/:cannot parse a NULL or zero length data[/QUOTE]

I just started getting that one too. It happened after I was away from my desktop for almost a week. I just put it in a support request, but I suppose it will be Tuesday before I hear anything.

ambi 2010-12-11 04:24 AM

Has anyone made progress on this? I have the same issues exactly. I cannot check to see if I have old clients which should be deleted because I can't access the clients list! Help!

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