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palmfanatic 2011-08-16 09:35 AM

Questions, Questions , Questions
I am a Mac user but i use a palm/Hp phone and an Android phone - bored of iPad/iphone lol and a hp touchpad - AWESOME DEVICE :)

I am currently trialling both Omni and Things and have a few questions regarding Omni.

Things seems to have stalled in terms of upgrades developments etc how active is the Omni group in upgrading and adding new features.

Things looks easier to just get but i have a sneaking feeling that Omni is the better client once you get your head round it.Does it take long to really get it.

I appreciate there are some video tutorials around but i don't particularly want to spend the kind of money they want just to use one piece of software.If the best way trial and error or hanging around this forum or can anyone point me to another good teaching aid or heck does anyone wanna volunteer to be my Guru :)

Finally is it possible to use omni with only the mac and my various mobile devices by emailing in my tasks or something .

Think thats all for now thanks for your replies


Brian 2011-08-16 03:38 PM

Welcome to the forums, Peter! Glad to help.

From my conversations with customers, it does take a little bit longer to get the hang of OmniFocus in comparison to some of the other task-management apps out there. That said, customers also tell us that OmniFocus scales up to the needs of folks with a lot of tasks to manage better, too.

There are a number of free videos available in OmniFocus' section of [URL=""]our website[/URL]. (The iPhone and iPad apps have their own videos, as well.)

There are also some non-Omni sites that have videos available for free. Here's [URL=""]one example[/URL] (and [URL=""]here[/URL] are a few [URL=""]more[/URL] that may be useful.)

The [URL=""]OmniFocus and GTD[/URL] white paper available on our site may also be useful, as well as a number of other threads here on the forums. The community is very helpful, though if you need a response as rapidly as possible, emailing our [EMAIL=""]support ninjas[/EMAIL] is often your best choice.

We don't have plans for Android or WebOS apps in the foreseeable future, but you can use send email to a special [URL=""]send-to-omnifocus email address[/URL] to store up messages you'd like to add to OmniFocus when you get back to your Mac.

Hope that helps!

DrJJWMac 2011-08-16 06:16 PM

You might also check these threads ...









I started looking at both Things and OF for Mac and iPod. My initial thought was, OF was too complicated and too involved in itself with the process of managing tasks (ie, it would be a distraction that would limit me from actually doing tasks). I eventually found that Things was too limited for my needs in managing the host of tasks that I was needing to do, to the point where I was stalling out on doing them (ie, I was spending more time trying to keep a larger picture on my tasks, and that limited me from actually doing tasks).

The real breakpoint for me was when I discovered that I could almost use OF/iPod as a true stand-alone app, whereas Things/iPod was crippled compared with its Mac offering. This distinction has only gotten even more true over the last six months.



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