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valvelifter 2011-08-14 12:28 PM

Incorrect totals in Context mode
Anybody have this issue? I have 4 top level contexts, and a number of sub-contexts under each. My forecast tells me I have 11 overdue items, which is correct because I have counted each one of them. When I look under contexts, and view the 4 top level contexts, OF reports 5 overdue only. If I now go down one level into my sub-contexts from each top-level context, the numbers total up nicely to 11. It seems to be only incorrect when they are summed up at the top-level contexts.

I had a similar issue with the Mac and read one post where it was suggested to remove a cache file on the Mac. That did the trick, but is there something similar for the iPhone? I doubt it since one cannot do much with a phone not jailbroken, but just wondering.

whpalmer4 2011-08-14 05:22 PM

On your iPhone, visit the following page and click on the link it contains:

This will do essentially the same thing as deleting the cache file does on the Mac. I make no promises that it will fix your problem, though! If it doesn't, contact Omni support tomorrow and they'll help you get to the bottom of it.

valvelifter 2011-08-14 06:57 PM

Thanks for the tip - I tried it but it didn't do the trick. I already contacted them and they are aware but I was surprised nobody else reported it yet on the forums.

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