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JimmyMcVideo 2011-06-06 02:44 PM

Do Named Styles match between Mac and iPad?
I know Omni mentioned that there is not 100% style compatibility between iPad and Mac OO. I don't know what the details are.

But I just want to know if the Named Styles will carry over - you know the global styles you can create with the "+", that map to the Function keys?

Those are the only styles I use (besides bold and italic), so I was hoping I could go back and forth between my desktop app and iPad.

(Of course, sync is another issue but there's a gigantic thread for that one).

HappyCatMachine 2011-06-09 01:29 PM

I will bite. The answer would be a qualified yes, they do come over. While I've not fully tested it, it does look like names and basic style elements do transfer as well as their being attributed to text.

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