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HappyCatMachine 2012-05-01 05:10 AM

Upgraded document browser
Please Omni, if you are going to improve the document browser, do so in a manner that benefits users and not in a manner that simply gets you better screenshots. The new and improved document browser is so memory intensive for those of us that use OG extensively that it causes far more pain than assistance. Those of us that use the product a lot have also asked that document browsing can be done though a list rather than the clunky methods you and Apple seem to want to push over on us.

If I let the document browser sit there until it renders all previews it invariably crashes out. I will log this as a bug report as well.

It's also pretty appalling how Omni seems to be in Apple's pocket when it comes to Dropbox support but that is another issue entirely. iCloud is important but Dropbox is universal, open, and about as transparent as it gets in Mac, Windows and Linux. iCloud is like iTunes, it takes control away from the user (your customers) and makes things FAR less convenient and usable for those of us who know what we are doing, particularly if we work cross platform.

And OmniGraffle is the tool I love!

I haven't asked for my money back on OmniOutliner and I'm regretting it now. I thought that Omni listened to its customers and we would get efficient workflow upgrades. So far, these improvements have only made things worse. I am too dependent on OmniGraffle to delete it but OmniOutliner is twenty bucks that I might have well just given to Omni since it's useless without good document transport functionality.

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