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Katja 2010-12-13 02:44 PM

"write safely to url.." Error exporting to HTML

I'm trying to export my file to an HTML prototype and have come across a really odd error. I'm testing at this stage and only have 1 shape with 1 action on it, to jump to another canvas. On trying to export the following error displays.

"writeSafelyToURL:ofType:forSaveOperation:error: must be overridden for your application to support non-'file:' URLs."

OG then proceeds to make me a folder for my exported prototype but creates no files. It then won't allow me to try and export as something else (i.e. it ignores my 'export' selection from the File menu and does nothing, no dialogue box or error) unless I Force Quit and reopen the file. I also can't use 'Save as'. It will however export a single canvas to HTML (which contains the shape with the action on it) but that doesn't really help me make a prototype! I've tried to save it as a new file but I have the same problem.

I'm using a licensed copy of OmniGraffle/5.2.3/final-138.17 on OSX 10.6.4.

The file has 29 canvases at the moment but will need to grow to more.

Has anyone had this problem and solved it? Can any of the OG staffers help me solve it. It's urgent as I have major deliverable or a clickable prototype and all my work is in this file.



Joel 2010-12-13 03:06 PM

I'd double-check to see if there are any colons in the canvas names, there is a known issue where this error pops up on export if canvases have a colon in their name.

Katja 2010-12-13 03:45 PM

Hey Joel,

Indeed there were colons all over my canvas names. I've made the amends and presto-magico it all works.

Thanks for your excellent help.

<sigh of relief that my file wasn't corrupted>


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