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cebailey 2009-07-20 06:49 AM

The awesomeness of Perspectives-as-files
(This might be a repost or something that's well-known, but I just discovered it and I think it's going to change how I organize quite a bit of stuff.)

So I've always kind of known in the back of my head that all of my perspectives were stored as files in the OmniFocus support directory, and various people have done various cool things with that. But what I've just discovered is that you can move perspectives OUT of this folder, and they won't show up in your list of perspectives, but if you open them externally, they WILL still work.

Why is this awesome? I tend to organize all my projects using Finder folders, since I use a lot of things that actually open in a Windows VM. So if I need information about my project, the Finder window is usually where I start.

So now when I create a new project what I do is go into OF, focus on that project's entry in OF, save it as a new perspective, use a quick Applescript to get into my Perspectives folder, and move that perspective into the project's folder. It took longer to type that than it actually does to do it. Now, if I'm in my project folder and I think of an action I need to add, I can double-click the Perspective file, and I'll be right where I need to be--a new OF window focused on that project. The best part is that all of my dozens of project-specific Perspectives don't show up in my Perspectives list because they're not in their normal location!

I'd be curious to find out if anyone else is doing something similar. Oh, and here's my super-easy applescript to get to the perspectives folder--just save it to ~/Library/Scripts/Applications/OmniFocus .

[CODE]set home to path to home folder as alias
set OFPpath to ((home as string) & "Library:Application Support:OmniFocus:Perspectives") as alias
tell application "Finder" to open OFPpath[/CODE]

fudster 2009-07-20 08:56 AM

Thanks for the tip, I think this will be useful for me too. Cheers.

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